Fabricators-of-Create / Create

[Fabric Mod] Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology
MIT License
834 stars 188 forks source link

Ore Gen #685

Closed DerRentner closed 1 year ago

DerRentner commented 1 year ago

Describe the Bug

I am running the newest Version of Create Fabric on a Server and i get this error all the time which kills my RAM and crashes the Server... "Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend!" ... I didnt change any spawn chances and the only thing that is close to the error i found is this old forge error https://github.com/Creators-of-Create/Create/issues/102 but so far i did see the stone variants and zinc ore so im not sure if it is actually a create bug... the only other mod that adds any stone variants is twigs (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/twigs)... I think it occurs when unloaded chunks are loaded again ore new chunks are loaded... Currently playing this modpack (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/zentner-winterpack) so there u can find all other mods it could be related to...

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create on a Server (didnt get it in SP so far)
  2. Loading unloaded or loading new chunks

Expected Result

I dont think anything is really wrong with the generation itself except for the server to get an error and pretty much making it lagg and crash because of it...

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Windows 11

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods

No response

Additional Context

No response

TropheusJ commented 1 year ago

need the log

DerRentner commented 1 year ago

Its no real crash it just says "02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Work... [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Worker-Main-1/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:27] [Work... [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend! [02:04:29] [Work..."

TropheusJ commented 1 year ago

full thing please. put it on a paste site.

DerRentner commented 1 year ago

there is nothing more than that the server doesnt really crash but it just laggs caus this error occurs

TropheusJ commented 1 year ago

I need the full log to see your full mod list and any other errors that may have occurred.

DerRentner commented 1 year ago

i mean it is a server log and when it laggs there are no other errors and i posted the modpack where u can see all mods included above^^ i just couldnt find any bug or crash report saying that line so i have no clue where it comes from

kenshin33 commented 1 year ago

what he means may be is the whole log/latest.log file ? (found in your .minecraft folder)

DerRentner commented 1 year ago

yeah i'll send that tomorrow but im telling you that thing is causing extreme laggs and there are no other errors while it laggs

DerRentner commented 1 year ago

if there were any mod specific errors or crashes i would know on which modsite to ask .-.

kenshin33 commented 1 year ago

maybe include the and config file (server mods ..etc)? can't right now, but i'll try to reproduce it, if I succeed i'll post the logs.
a precise step by step would greatly help

DerRentner commented 1 year ago


"[02:04:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [[Overworld] Rentner720: Teleported [Overworld] Rentner720 to 10000.500000, 300.000000, 10000.500000] [02:04:25] [Worker-Main-2/ERROR]: Your ore spawn chances don't add up to 100! Ores won't spawn as you intend!"

as an example i tpd to an unloaded chunk and the error occured... I think it is with never before loaded chunks and with unloaded chunks being loaded again but im not sure about the second one... Same in Singleplayer btw just testet it...

DerRentner commented 1 year ago

Still have no clue why the error happens and what causes it performance isnt as bad as it was a few days ago when the error occurs but it still spams the server log... and i still couldnt find anything like it except the previous mentioned error in the create forge version from a few years ago... And as i said before if u want to know what mods and config just look at this modpack https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/zentner-winterpack which i own and update and the error occurs with these excact mods and configs...

TropheusJ commented 1 year ago

the error is from YUNG's Better Mineshafts

TropheusJ commented 1 year ago

Looks like your config for it might be wrong. Try deleting it and letting it regenerate. The error doesn't seem like it should cause lag though.

TropheusJ commented 1 year ago

If you can get the server to crash again and send the log I'll look at it. But for now this doesn't seem like a Create issue, unless it's fixed when Create is removed.