Fabrik / fabrik

Fabrik for Joomla 3.x
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UNABLE TO Register Need help urgently #2276

Closed runner26 closed 1 year ago

runner26 commented 1 year ago

I am not able to register account in Fabrik site validation email cannot be send so I can't activate my account. email used to register is hashbackend@gmail.com.....

I am creating a form using the latest Fabrik where it WILL need to validate the number entered does not exist in another table I have tried many PHP code to validate the value all in vain. Joomla! version 3.10.11

I have tried many coding like the following

$db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT * FROM verifying_table WHERE number = 'number'"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $num_rows = $db->getNumRows(); if($num_rows>0){ // echo "Sold Out"; }

I get Validation failed

$myDb = JFactory::getDbo(); $myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true); $myQuery->select($myDb->quoteName('number')) ->from($myDb->quoteName('verifying_table ')); $myDb->setQuery($myQuery); $allvalues = $myDb->loadColumn(); return in_array($data, $allvalues);

I get Validation failed

I have tried using IF EXIST, SELECT COUNT (*) all comes with error

I really need help urgently

trob commented 1 year ago

To register in Fabrikar.com is not working at the moment. http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/php-validation/

Your code must be in 'PHP code' (not Condition) and must return true or false. Use e.g. var_dump($some-variable); or var_dump($some-variable);exit; to see what you get.

BTW: there's a 'is unique value' validation (but I assume you'll need an account to download it).

runner26 commented 1 year ago

The is unique value validation can only validate value in table linked to the form. I need to get validation of the value FROM another table

Can you give an example of var_dump($some-variable);exit; to be specific is there anyway to activate my account so I can access the forum

trob commented 1 year ago
