Fabrizz / MMM-OnSpotify

Highly customizable MM2 module that displays what you are listening to in Spotify. Compatible with MMM-LiveLyrics and DynamicTheming.
MIT License
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Added german translation #35

Closed marcelschreiner closed 7 months ago

marcelschreiner commented 7 months ago

Hi Fabrizio

Thanks for creating this awesome Spotify module. Using it has been a blast. In this pull request I added a german translation.

Greetings from Switzerland Marcel

Fabrizz commented 7 months ago

Thanks @marcelschreiner!

Fabrizz commented 6 months ago

Hey @marcelschreiner sorry for bothering you, is: "Spielen in einem anderen Raum." the correct translation for "Playing on another room."? Thanks

marcelschreiner commented 5 months ago

Hey @Fabrizz no worries 😄 It depends...

If you want to perform the action "Play what is currently playing in another room" then the correct translation is "In einem anderen Raum wiedergeben"

If you want to say "The currently playing music is playing in an other room" then the translation "Die Musik wird in einem anderen Raum wiedergegeben" would be correct.

p.s. in german the term "Musik spielen" is mostly used if you are playing an instrument and "Musik wiedergeben" is used if a speaker is playing music. But your sentence is still correct but not commonly used.

I hope this helps 😇

marcelschreiner commented 5 months ago

@Fabrizz a short addition

I used the translation "Es wird nichts abgespielt" in the proposed changes of this pull request. If you use one of the suggested translation from my previous reply, "Es wird nichts wiedergegeben" would be more fitting.

Fabrizz commented 5 months ago

Thanks a lot!. Will change them in the next release. The problem with "Die Musik wird in einem anderen Raum wiedergegeben" is that it will overflow outside the module. I had the same problem with the spanish translation that ended up being something like "Nothing playing here." its not the best, but for an optional feature of an optional feature...

marcelschreiner commented 5 months ago

@Fabrizz A short version could be "Wiedergabe in anderem Raum" this translates to "Playing in other room"