Fabrizz / MMM-OnSpotify

Highly customizable MM2 module that displays what you are listening to in Spotify. Compatible with MMM-LiveLyrics and DynamicTheming.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Scroll long title / artist names instead of cutting them off #42

Closed PhilGrue closed 5 months ago

PhilGrue commented 5 months ago

Hi Fabrizz,

Thank you very much for this really awesome module! Your design really enhances the mirror!

I have an idea for a feature that I personally am missing: With long song titles (especially with podcasts) or long names of artists, these names are cut off - I would prefer it if too long title/artist names would scroll like a ticker. Would that be possible?

Thanks in advance!

Fabrizz commented 5 months ago

I could try, the problem is that for a good scrolling effect I would need to use some JS animations and it would slow the poor RPI even more. Originally I had an implementation using JS and CSS animations, but it was not good. Will add it to the todo list tho!

PhilGrue commented 5 months ago

Ah, okay, I see. Perhaps as an optional function that could be switched on or off? Just an idea I wanted to share with you ;)

Fabrizz commented 5 months ago

Hi, a basic scroll animation has been added. I will update the readme on the release. You just need to set scrollAnimations to true