Fabrizz / MMM-OnSpotify

Highly customizable MM2 module that displays what you are listening to in Spotify. Compatible with MMM-LiveLyrics and DynamicTheming.
MIT License
53 stars 9 forks source link

Suggestion #57

Closed greedyvegan closed 3 months ago

greedyvegan commented 3 months ago

1 - is it possible to use the current song's album colors as the theme? 2 - how can I apply other items (background colors) to change with the current song?

Fabrizz commented 3 months ago


Currently no, as it would mean downloading 2 images per song, and that data is not passed from the node_helper (And I don't know if its exposed directly by the current player or I need to send anotherAPI call to get the album data)


You can use experimentalCSSOverridesForMM2 link

Here you would use the option with CSS variables to change other styles, example to set the background:

experimentalCSSOverridesForMM2: [
    ["--color-background", "background"] // Background is the module reference to a muted background color from the palette, you could use ex.: "palette_muteddark"
greedyvegan commented 3 months ago

forgive me for being slow, can I target specific modules and or their backgrounds or specific text to adhere to the theme?

Fabrizz commented 3 months ago

You need to add CSS variables to your css/custom.css in your magic mirror file: (More info on CSS vars)

/* css/custom.css */
:root {
  --my-new-color-variable: #fff; /* A new css variable, with white as default */

.module-name { /* Check using the devtools the module name */
   background-color: var(--my-new-color-variable) !important;
/* In module config */
experimentalCSSOverridesForMM2: [
    ["--color-background", "background", "#fff"]
greedyvegan commented 3 months ago

ok thank you. my module stopped working, how do I know how many API pulls I get because I believe I've depleted it because it stopped appearing on my mirror

Fabrizz commented 3 months ago

With basic configuration you never pass the max api limit per second, even if you did you would get rate limited but the module should just say a warning.

Have you modified anything?

greedyvegan commented 3 months ago

This is in my config:

{module: "MMM-OnSpotify", hiddenOnStartup: true, header: "Now Playing on Spotify", position: "bottom_right", /* bottom_left, bottom_center */ config: { clientID: "my client ID", clientSecret: "my client secret", accessToken: "my access token", refreshToken: "my refresh token", /* Add here your theming and behaviour configurations */ /* Example */ experimentalCSSOverridesForMM2: [ ["--color-text-dimmed", "background", "palette_vibrantlight"], ["--ONSP-OVERRIDES-ICONS-COLOR", "palette_vibrantlight"], /* View custom.css */ ], } },

my custom css: .MMM-OnSpotify {position:relative}

Fabrizz commented 3 months ago

Hey, can you share your electron logs? Pressing F12 will bring the devtools, then you can press the "console" tab.

greedyvegan commented 3 months ago

do you want the whole log or something specific?

Fabrizz commented 3 months ago

Just the messages sent by the module, or all the log, whatever is easier

greedyvegan commented 3 months ago
Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 2 34 39 PM
greedyvegan commented 3 months ago

the previous was while nothing was playing via spotify, this one is while a song is playing

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 2 36 58 PM
Fabrizz commented 3 months ago

No errors? even from other modules?, the module does not show the song right?

greedyvegan commented 3 months ago

just one, from the calendar module, that one always comes up, even though its displaying properly.

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 2 39 29 PM

the module does show the song, now. when I mentioned it the day before yesterday, it wasn't showing; hence why I asked if maybe I've depleted my api requests. Yesterday it started showing.