FacVain / dil-asistanim

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Create prompt for E-mail Writing Pattern #22

Open FacVain opened 4 months ago

FacVain commented 4 months ago

Task Description

Create prompts for academic and business E-mail Writing Patterns. Add prompt and zod schema for academic and business E-mail Writing Patterns to schemas.js file.

Implementation Details

Create prompt and zod schema for E-mail Writing Pattern and add it to schemas.js file. Using the created schema and with the function calling method GPT model should be able to create desired outputs. Model should be able to write An improved academic or business e-mail using input text by improving its academic tone, clarity, and professionalism. It should also include necessary pieces of information for email and be able to give detailed suggestions to user on how to write better academic or business e-mails

Create zod object with following fields: sentimentAnalysis: z.enum(z.string()) toneAnalysis: z.array(z.enum(z.string())) improvedMailFromUserText: z.string() suggestionForUserText: z.string()

Acceptance Criteria

Using created schema and prompt GPT model should be able to create desired outputs.
