Because of the implementation of GPT-Request module, prompt builder and schemas structure, previously created petition prompts should also be updated.
Add prompt and zod schema for Dilekce Writing Pattern to schemas.js file.
Implementation Details
Update prompt and zod schema for Dilekce Writing Pattern and add it to schemas.js file.
Using the created schema and with the function calling method GPT model should be able to create desired outputs.
Model should be able to write An improved petition using input text. It should also include necessary pieces of information for petition and be able to give detailed suggestions to user on how to write better petitions
Create zod object with following fields:
sentimentAnalysis: z.enum(z.string())
toneAnalysis: z.array(z.enum(z.string()))
improvedPetitionFromUserText: z.string()
suggestionForUserText: z.string()
Acceptance Criteria
Using created schema and prompt GPT model should be able to create desired outputs.
Task Description
Because of the implementation of GPT-Request module, prompt builder and schemas structure, previously created petition prompts should also be updated. Add prompt and zod schema for Dilekce Writing Pattern to schemas.js file.
Implementation Details
Update prompt and zod schema for Dilekce Writing Pattern and add it to schemas.js file. Using the created schema and with the function calling method GPT model should be able to create desired outputs. Model should be able to write An improved petition using input text. It should also include necessary pieces of information for petition and be able to give detailed suggestions to user on how to write better petitions
Create zod object with following fields:
Acceptance Criteria
Using created schema and prompt GPT model should be able to create desired outputs.