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Research Free Hosting Options on Google Cloud and Azure #45

Open alptekinsarilar opened 4 months ago

alptekinsarilar commented 4 months ago

Task Description

Evaluate the free hosting tiers offered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure to determine the feasibility of deploying our web application at no cost, understanding associated limitations and constraints.


Identify free hosting options on GCP and Azure. Understand the limitations of free tiers, such as compute resources, storage capacity, data transfer limits, and uptime guarantees. Determine any long-term scalability challenges that may arise from starting on a free tier. Investigate the ease of migration to paid tiers once the free tier limits are exceeded. Compare the two services based on the needs of our application, including technology stack compatibility and geographic availability.


Gather information on GCP's Always Free tier and Azure's Free Account offers. Document the specific services and resources available for free on both platforms. Compile the limitations and conditions of the free tiers. Analyze the potential for scaling up from the free tiers to paid options. Provide a recommendation based on the application requirements and future growth plans.

Expected Deliverables

A comprehensive report detailing free hosting options on GCP and Azure, along with their pros and cons. A recommendation on which platform to start with, considering our app's requirements and potential growth trajectory.

Acceptance Criteria

The report must be thorough and cover all aspects of the free tiers for both platforms. The recommendation must include a cost-benefit analysis reflecting short-term and long-term perspectives. Findings should be presented to the team, with an opportunity for questions and discussion.
