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Secure and Migrate to New MongoDB Atlas Cluster Post .env Exposure #55

Open alptekinsarilar opened 3 months ago

alptekinsarilar commented 3 months ago

Task Description

Due to the accidental push of the .env file to the repository, implement necessary security measures and migrate the database to a new MongoDB Atlas cluster.


Rotate all exposed credentials immediately. Purge the .env file from the repository history. Add .env to .gitignore. Set up a new MongoDB Atlas cluster with updated credentials. Update application configuration with new credentials. Test the application's connection to the new cluster. Monitor logs for any unauthorized access.

Acceptance Criteria

The .env file is no longer in the repository and cannot be retrieved from the history. The application is successfully connected to the new MongoDB Atlas cluster. No unauthorized access is detected post-migration.

alptekinsarilar commented 3 months ago

Önceki database dump'ı alındı ve yenisine import edildi