[x] User should be able to register for an account
[x] User should be able to log in
[x] User should be able to log out
[x] User should be able to view her/his own patients
[x] User should be able to view all patients
[x] User should be able to delete their own patients (API already only allows their own patients to be deleted
[x] User should be able to modify their own patients (API already only allows their own patients to be modified
[x] User should be able to verify a patient identity inside the patient's page
[x] User should be able to recognize a patient against all database. I suggest for this to have its own page or at least its own button on the first page. Something like "Patient's Facial Recognition" takes you to the page where you can perform recigniton. Mu suggestion is once the patient is recognized have a way like a link or something to go to that patient's profile page