Facepunch / LevelBuilderVR

Rough level builder in VR
MIT License
3 stars 2 forks source link

Suggested Features #1

Open InsaneHexe opened 4 years ago

InsaneHexe commented 4 years ago

General controls: Highlight currently selected/hovered over corner/wall Selecting item(s) for further modification Group several items (Hold button while hovering over items) Hiding/Bulk deletion (second hand menu/back of hand menu) Grid size selection Wheel based menus to use with stick or other controller Switch modes (Full/Floor only/Wall only) Clearer selection spot for controllers (like a small floating orb slightly infront of the controller) Generally get build back up to the video from 2016 (https://youtu.be/4Cro1HdCoP0)

Wall modification: Corner deletion Marking a wall enables modifications (Window/Door/etc.) Selectable top to change height

Floor grid modification: Grid based floor plates Cut specific floor parts like walls Enable/Remove floor per room/grid Variable floor height New wall between selected points


Metapyziks commented 4 years ago

Started a rewrite on reboot, progress so far:

General controls:

Wall modification:

Floor grid modification:

Metapyziks commented 4 years ago

Design question I'm a little stuck on, related to duplicating corners of rooms. I'm planning to have you press a button when you've got one or more corner selected to duplicate the.

Duplicating one corner will be trivial enough, I'll just work out which side of the selected corner to insert it in, and set the new corner as the only selected one. Duplicating two adjacent corners can work like you are extruding the wall in between them. However I'm not sure what should happen when you have three or more adjacent corners selected. My current thinking is to treat it like the 2-corner case:


But then that means you won't be duplicating every selected corner, only the corners that are connected to unselected ones. Any better ideas?

Metapyziks commented 4 years ago

Alternatively I'll just go back to the system from the old version, with widgets to create new corners in the middle of each wall.