Facepunch / RustWorkshop

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Community Page/Workshop synch? How does it work and why does it no longer love me (Magnets?!) #145

Open StabbyMcStabface opened 7 years ago

StabbyMcStabface commented 7 years ago

I am vexed. Good and truly vexed. There was a time, a couple of months back, where I would post an item and, if it did well, it'd climb up the community page and get some views, some upvotes, and net me some followers. If it was crap, it was banished to oblivion deservedly. That's how it should be!

Obviously this sort of "feedback" is the reason many artists make things because it's nice to create stuff and share it with others. If we don't get picked for the store, there was the consolation prize of some nice community exposure (which for emotionally needy people like myself is sweet, sweet ambrosia). However, over the last couple of months, I cannot, for the life of me, get a Workshop Item on the community page no matter how well it does initially. I see a lot of freshly uploaded items mixed in with a lot of items from the same small group of creators week-after-week (oftentimes several of their items scattered all about). What's odd is that if I submit a piece of community art (a render of one of my items or something) it WILL show up, but way down the page where no one looks. lol.

Did something change? It no longer seems to showcase the popular workshop submissions based on actual votes/comments/favorites and it's really bumming me out. I don't complain about anything so please don't take this as "the salty tears of an old man" (as my wife often says) - I just wonder if there's something up with the algorithm that populates the page as it seems to no longer reflect what is actually "popular" (at least initially - the posts that do show up BECOME popular for obvious reasons), and seems to favor some creators and entirely omit others.

SparkleMade commented 7 years ago

+1 stabby's observation.

My thought is there seems to be a repeat of the same types of items on the community hub page. As though the way to get a spot is through maintaining a certain vote percent, but only facemasks pistols and chest plates are simple enough to regularly get a better vote than more obscure items, like the SAR, hammer, thompson.

Some people are biased towards certain weapons in general and down vote every skin of that type because they don't like the item, some items are so particular no matter how you skin it half the people are going to down vote it, and some items just have bad thumbnails and are destined to receive more down votes.

Right now there are 2 chest plates of the same variant a face mask and SAP in the top section, which is pretty typical. Anecdote, but my Salt Shaker was featured top for days on the community hub, it was a pistol.

SparkleMade commented 7 years ago

and the thought just crossed my mind, can you set % approval thresholds for specific items rather than a blanket value for all items?

IE average approval for hammers is 70% so an outlier would be a 72% hammer?

I imagine this is quantifiable with all the examples already voted on inside the market. I can see changing the basic thumbnail view of the item would skew the average but otherwise I bet the average approval rate for each class of item is pretty consistent.

for example Pistols in the 80-82% AKs in the 81-78% Thompsons 76-79%

Maybe that's already how the items are selected, maybe this is impossible, just had the thought and don't feel like writing sensor quotes ATM (yay my real job).