Facepunch / garrysmod-issues

Garry's Mod issue tracker
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Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add (item) #2049

Closed Skock closed 9 years ago

Skock commented 9 years ago

Hello, recently while I have been playing Gmod, there have been things that just aren't right, such as addons breaking for no reason and errors popping up for using just the basic GMod tools and props.

I have realized that not just me, but several of my friends that play GMod have noticed this error in the console that seems to be in direct correspondence to the breaking of certain features in the game. Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add (item) appears plentifully with almost everything I spawn, while it may be WAC, an NPC, or models, but as an example, with WAC, if I try to fly any of the aircraft, it simply does not start or do anything, just sits there.

I have played GMod for around 6 years and I can confidently say that I know what I'm doing, whether it be with addons or the game's default features. As of now, Whenever I spawn an NPC it always comes up with the error. I did a test and these are the errors for spawning citizens and then all kinds of enemies:

Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_citizen Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Count.npcs Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_citizen Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_citizen Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add ServerName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_combine_s Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add item_ammo_ar2_altfire Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_handgrenade Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_metropolice Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_manhack Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npcg_zmb Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_zombie_torso Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_headcrab Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_zombie Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_zombie Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_fastzombie Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_headcrab_fast Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npcg_antguard Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_antlionguard Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_antlion Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_antlion Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_antlion_worker Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add grenade_spit Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_antlion_worker

This happens for almost everything that I spawn, and for certain items actually makes it not work It also happens with weapons too, saying: Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add light_dynamic.I have GoreMod enabled too, and for when a ragdoll gibs, it makes an error for each gib that has spawned.

A good example that many people have been having is that in ASSmod, it makes an error saying that the files of AM can't load, just like the other errors, and it wont allow the features of the mod to work. I know that most of these are addons that aren't working, but its basically everything now.

For the flechette gun, it does: Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add hunter_flechette Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add hunter_flechette Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add hunter_flechette -each time I fire the gun.

Here I try spawning vehicles, (which seem to work okay) Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_jeep_old Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_seagull Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add env_flare Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add _firesmoke Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Count.vehicles Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_jeep_old Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_jeep Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add trigger_vehicle_cargo Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_airboat Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add npc_heli_avoidsphere Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add ServerName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_jeep

Here I try to use the tools in the tool menu. Yeah just the regular tools and like 2 extra. Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Stage Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_emitter Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Count.emitters Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Op Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_jeep Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_lamp Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Count.lamps Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_hoverball Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add GModOverlayText Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Count.hoverballs Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_wheel Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add GModOverlayText Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Count.wheels Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_jeep Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add trigger_vehicle_cargo Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_cameraprop Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_balloon Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add GModOverlayText Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Count.balloons Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_turret Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add Count.turrets Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_turret Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_turret Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_turret Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add gmod_turret Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add FounderName Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add prop_physics

I have heard that the error referrs to being on an online server, but others have had it happen for both single and multiplayer.

-I'm not sure what to do, and it's becoming more and more annoying. I have no idea if it has to do with my addons. I have a lot of them, 200-ish addons, but the thing is that I have had twice as many at the same time before and it ran without any trouble. 2015-05-29_00006 In the meantime, after I do some more tests and report what addons I havem I will just clean out my addons folder and unsubscribe than re-subscribe after. If someone could get to me on this that would be great. -Skock

willox commented 9 years ago

It's certainly down to the addons you have installed, but it may be a specific few addons causing issues rather than the amount you have in total.

Calls to util.AddNetworkString will go towards this maximum limit. If you can, look for any addons that are using this function lots of times, otherwise leave a list of the addons you have installed here and I'll take a peek.

Skock commented 9 years ago

Thanks for replying wiox, here's a list of what I have: (sorry that there are so many) 1 2 hl2 2015-05-30 00-38-24-174 hl2 2015-05-30 00-38-27-372 hl2 2015-05-30 00-38-30-971 hl2 2015-05-30 00-38-34-745 hl2 2015-05-30 00-38-37-744

hl2 2015-05-30 00-38-15-967 hl2 2015-05-30 00-38-20-484 This is everything. I don't want to, but I might have to just clear out my addons and start afresh but be more careful with what addons I get.

willox commented 9 years ago

That's far too many for me to check, I didn't think that idea through.

Run the following command in your console after starting a local game and post the results here:

dumpstringtables_new networkstring
Skock commented 9 years ago

Jesus, it's long, but I cleared the console and this is it: ] dumpstringtables_new networkstring 0: 'x' 1: 'Undo_Undone' 2: 'Undo_AddUndo' 3: 'properties' 4: 'drive_base' 5: 'drive_noclip' 6: 'player_default' 7: 'PlayerKilled' 8: 'PlayerKilledSelf' 9: 'PlayerKilledByPlayer' 10: 'PlayerKilledNPC' 11: 'NPCKilledNPC' 12: 'atmos_cvar' 13: 'atmos_lightmaps' 14: 'atmos_storm' 15: 'atmos_snow' 16: 'atmos_message' 17: 'BGOBloodParticle' 18: 'BGOWeaponSplatter' 19: 'BGOHudBlood' 20: 'CW20_PRESET_LOAD' 21: 'CW20_PRESET_SAVED' 22: 'CW20_OVERWRITEATTACHMENTS' 23: 'CW20_NEWATTACHMENTS' 24: 'CW20_NEWATTACHMENTS_NOTIFY' 25: 'LIFE_UPDATESRVCVAR' 26: 'LifeSRV_ColourModify' 27: 'LifeSRV_Bloom' 28: 'LifeSRV_ToyTown' 29: 'LifeSRV_Sunbeams' 30: 'LifeSRV_Sharpen' 31: 'LifeSRV_MotionBlur' 32: 'LifeSRV_Vignette' 33: 'LifeSRV_CinematicOverlay' 34: 'LifeSRV_MaskOverlay' 35: 'LifeSRV_FogMode' 36: 'LifeSRV_FogStart' 37: 'LifeSRV_FogEnd' 38: 'LifeSRV_FogDensity' 39: 'LifeSRV_FogColourR' 40: 'LifeSRV_FogColourG' 41: 'LifeSRV_FogColourB' 42: 'LifeSRV_DoFMode' 43: 'LifeSRV_DoFFocusTime' 44: 'LifeSRV_DoFStrength' 45: 'LifeSRV_DoFWindow' 46: 'LifeSRV_DoFStaticFocus' 47: 'LifeSRV_DoFFarClip' 48: 'LifeSRV_Blink' 49: 'LifeSRV_BlinkDuration' 50: 'LifeSRV_BlinkFade' 51: 'TeleportMhsList' 52: 'PewPew_FireBullet' 53: 'PewPew_RemoveBullet' 54: 'PewPew_ServerTick' 55: 'PewPew-SetOptions' 56: 'PewPew_Option_Tool_SendLog' 57: 'PewPew_Stargate_EH_Position_Change' 58: 'Bomb Nuke' 59: 'Cannon Nuke' 60: 'Laser Nuke' 61: 'Missile Nuke' 62: 'WTF BOOM' 63: 'Basic Artillery' 64: 'Low Velocity Artillery' 65: 'Modifiable Artillery' 66: 'Nebelwerfer' 67: 'Rocket Barrage' 68: 'Bomb Rack' 69: 'C4' 70: 'Carpet Bomber' 71: 'EMP Bomb' 72: 'Helicopter Bomb' 73: 'Warhead' 74: '105mm Cannon' 75: '230mm Cannon' 76: '37mm Cannon' 77: '40mm Cannon' 78: 'Basic Cannon' 79: 'EMP Cannon' 80: 'PewPew-FlakLifetime' 81: 'Flak Cannon' 82: 'Low Velocity Cannon' 83: 'Plasma Cannon' 84: 'Railgun' 85: 'Fist' 86: 'Flamethrower' 87: 'Laser Sword' 88: 'Regenerator' 89: 'Automatic Defense' 90: 'Manual Defense' 91: 'Firework' 92: 'Water Balloons' 93: 'Basic Laser' 94: 'Beam laser' 95: 'Laser Machinegun' 96: 'Medium Laser' 97: 'Particle Beam' 98: 'Rapid Fire Laser' 99: 'Big Star Wars Laser' 100: 'Green Star Wars Laser' 101: 'Red Star Wars Laser' 102: 'C4 Spawner' 103: 'Grenade Launcher' 104: 'Smoke Grenade Launcher' 105: '100 cal explosive rounds' 106: '50 cal machinegun' 107: 'Basic Machinegun' 108: 'Burst Machinegun' 109: 'Gauss Gun' 110: 'Minigun' 111: 'Depth Charge' 112: 'Naval Mine' 113: 'Naval Mine Spawner' 114: 'Torpedo' 115: 'Delayed Sticky-Bomb Launcher' 116: 'Flame Shell' 117: 'Smoke Emitter' 118: 'Thud Rounds' 119: 'Unrealistic Railgun' 120: '120mm AP Cannon' 121: '120mm HE Cannon' 122: '2A42' 123: 'M134D' 124: 'M60C machinegun' 125: 'Homing Missile - Air to surface' 126: 'Basic Rocket Launcher' 127: 'Homing Missile - Normal' 128: 'QAAM missile' 129: 'Rocket Battery' 130: 'Homing Missile - Surface to air' 131: 'bone_manipulate' 132: 'bone_manipulate_end' 133: 'remove' 134: 'statue' 135: 'statue_stop' 136: 'keepupright' 137: 'keepupright_stop' 138: 'persist' 139: 'persist_end' 140: 'drive' 141: 'ignite' 142: 'extinguish' 143: 'collision_off' 144: 'collision_on' 145: 'gravity' 146: 'npc_bigger' 147: 'npc_smaller' 148: 'editentity' 149: 'motioncontrol_ragdoll' 150: 'bodygroups' 151: 'skin' 152: 'rb655_door_open' 153: 'rb655_door_close' 154: 'rb655_door_lock' 155: 'rb655_door_unlock' 156: 'rb655_func_movelinear_open' 157: 'rb655_func_movelinear_close' 158: 'rb655_func_tracktrain_startforward' 159: 'rb655_func_tracktrain_startbackward' 160: 'rb655_func_tracktrain_reverse' 161: 'rb655_func_tracktrain_stop' 162: 'rb655_func_tracktrain_resume' 163: 'rb655_func_tracktrain_toggle' 164: 'rb655_breakable_break' 165: 'rb655_turret_toggle' 166: 'rb655_turret_ammo_remove' 167: 'rb655_turret_ammo_restore' 168: 'rb655_self_destruct' 169: 'rb655_turret_make_friendly' 170: 'rb655_suitcharger_recharge' 171: 'rb655_manhack_jam' 172: 'rb655_scanner_mineadd' 173: 'rb655_scanner_minedeploy' 174: 'rb655_scanner_disable_spotlight' 175: 'rb655_rollermine_selfdestruct' 176: 'rb655_rollermine_turnoff' 177: 'rb655_rollermine_turnon' 178: 'rb655_helicopter_gun_on' 179: 'rb655_helicopter_gun_off' 180: 'rb655_helicopter_dropbomb' 181: 'rb655_helicopter_norm_shoot' 182: 'rb655_helicopter_long_shoot' 183: 'rb655_helicopter_deadly_on' 184: 'rb655_helicopter_deadly_off' 185: 'rb655_gunship_omniscienton' 186: 'rb655_gunship_omniscientoff' 187: 'rb655_gunship_blindfireon' 188: 'rb655_gunship_blindfireoff' 189: 'rb655_alyx_holsterweapon' 190: 'rb655_alyx_unholsterweapon' 191: 'rb655_alyx_holsteranddestroyweapon' 192: 'rb655_antlion_burrow' 193: 'rb655_barnacle_free' 194: 'rb655_zombine_suicide' 195: 'rb655_zombine_sprint' 196: 'rb655_thumper_enable' 197: 'rb655_thumper_disable' 198: 'rb655_dog_fetch_on' 199: 'rb655_dog_fetch_off' 200: 'rb655_soldier_look_off' 201: 'rb655_soldier_look_on' 202: 'rb655_citizen_wep_pick_on' 203: 'rb655_citizen_wep_pick_off' 204: 'rb655_citizen_panic' 205: 'rb655_citizen_panic_off' 206: 'rb655_camera_angry' 207: 'rb655_combine_mine_disarm' 208: 'rb655_hunter_enable' 209: 'rb655_hunter_disable' 210: 'rb655_vortigaunt_enable' 211: 'rb655_vortigaunt_disable' 212: 'rb655_antlion_enable' 213: 'rb655_antlion_disable' 214: 'rb655_antlion_hear' 215: 'rb655_antlion_ignore' 216: 'rb655_antlion_grub_squash' 217: 'rb655_antlionguard_bark_on' 218: 'rb655_antlionguard_bark_off' 219: 'rb655_headcrab_burrow' 220: 'rb655_strider_stand' 221: 'rb655_strider_crouch' 222: 'rb655_strider_break' 223: 'rb655_patrol_on' 224: 'rb655_patrol_off' 225: 'rb655_healthcharger_recharge' 226: 'rb655_make_friendly' 227: 'rb655_make_hostile' 228: 'rb655_vehicle_exit' 229: 'rb655_vehicle_enter' 230: 'rb655_vehicle_add_gun' 231: 'rb655_baloon_break' 232: 'rb655_dynamite_activate' 233: 'rb655_emitter_on' 234: 'rb655_emitter_off' 235: 'rb655_lamp_on' 236: 'rb655_lamp_off' 237: 'rb655_light_on' 238: 'rb655_light_off' 239: 'rb655_npc_weapon_strip' 240: 'rb655_npc_weapon' 241: 'rb655_playsound' 242: 'sgm-antitheft' 243: 'VJWelcome' 244: 'WAC-ModelDetailWarning' 245: 'wac_joyinput_usermessage' 246: 'gbombs5_cvar' 247: 'gbombs5_net' 248: 'gbombs5_romulancloak' 249: 'gbombs5_romulancloak_phys' 250: 'gbombs5_general' 251: 'gbombs5_sunbomb' 252: 'gbombs5_announcer' 253: 'gb_ver' 254: 'gf_ver' 255: 'npctool_relman_add' 256: 'npctool_relman_rem' 257: 'npctool_relman_up' 258: 'npctool_relman_en' 259: 'npctool_relman_clr' 260: 'GModSave' 261: 'player_sandbox' 262: 'drive_sandbox' 263: 'ReceiveDupe' 264: 'ArmDupe' 265: 'CopiedDupe' 266: 'npctool_contr_add' 267: 'npctool_controller_holster' 268: 'npctool_controller_deploy' 269: 'npctool_follower_select' 270: 'npctool_follower_start' 271: 'npctool_follower_holster' 272: 'npctool_follower_deploy' 273: 'npctool_health_set' 274: 'npctool_proficiency_update' 275: 'npctool_proficiency_holster' 276: 'npctool_proficiency_deploy' 277: 'sv_npctool_proficiency_request' 278: 'cl_npctool_proficiency_request' 279: 'sv_npctool_proficiency_request_sng' 280: 'cl_npctool_proficiency_request_sng' 281: 'npctool_rel_add' 282: 'npctool_rel_set' 283: 'npctool_relationships_holster' 284: 'npctool_relationships_deploy' 285: 'cl_npctool_spawner_spawn' 286: 'sv_npctool_spawner_spawn' 287: 'cl_npctool_spawner_ppoint' 288: 'sv_npctool_spawner_ppoint' 289: 'npctool_spawner_ppoint_remove' 290: 'npctool_spawner_clearundo' 291: 'npctool_spawner_holster' 292: 'npctool_spawner_deploy' 293: 'PewPew_WeaponDesigner' 294: 'rb655_easy_bodygroup_ready' 295: 'PARKOUR_UPDATE_ANIMATION' 296: 'Taucannonfire' 297: 'Taucannonlaser' 298: 'weapon_mhs_mg_getreload' 299: 'sprayMhs' 300: 'coordstoserv' 301: 'UserMhsObs' 302: 'UserStopObs' 303: 'UseTeleportMhs' 304: 'TeleportPlayerMhs' 305: 'UseTeleportEndMhs' 306: 'TeleportSetsToServerMhs' 307: 'TeleportSetMhs' 308: 'TeleportStartSetsMhs' 309: 'TpBallsMhs' 310: 'gb5_net_tvirus' 311: 'c4_diagbox' 312: 'c4_datastream' 313: 'gb5_net_sound_lowsh' 314: 'gf_sound' 315: 'gf_hl3' 316: 'InstrumentNetwork' 317: 'drones_usecmd' 318: 'minigun_drones_switch' 319: 'vj_stranger_dodamage' 320: 'vj_creature_onthememusic' 321: 'vj_human_onthememusic' 322: 'vj_mili_tankm1a1_spawneffects' 323: 'vj_mili_tankm1a1_moveeffects' 324: 'vj_mili_tankm1a1g_shooteffects' 325: 'vj_mili_t72_spawneffects' 326: 'vj_mili_t72_moveeffects' 327: 'vj_mili_t72g_shooteffects' 328: 'vj_mili_terroristt72_spawneffects' 329: 'vj_mili_terroristt72_moveeffects' 330: 'vj_mili_terroristt72g_shooteffects' 331: 'vj_mili_redtiger_spawneffects' 332: 'vj_mili_redtiger_moveeffects' 333: 'vj_mili_redtigerg_shooteffects' 334: 'vj_tank_base_spawneffects' 335: 'vj_tank_base_moveeffects' 336: 'vj_tankg_base_spawneffects' 337: 'vj_tankg_base_shooteffects' 338: 'nuke_yield' 339: 'nuke_waveresolution' 340: 'nuke_ignoreragdoll' 341: 'nuke_breakconstraints' 342: 'nuke_disintegration' 343: 'nuke_damage' 344: 'nuke_epic_blastwave' 345: 'nuke_radiation_duration' 346: 'nuke_radiation_damage' 347: 'vj_fireplace_turnon1' 348: 'vj_fireplace_turnon2' 349: 'vj_testentity_onmenuopen' 350: 'wac.aircraft.updateWeapons' 351: 'wac.seatSwitcher.switch' 352: '#SBoxMaxBalloons' 353: 'sbox_maxballoons' 354: '#SBoxMaxButtons' 355: 'sbox_maxbuttons' 356: '#SBoxMaxDynamite' 357: 'sbox_maxdynamite' 358: '#SBoxMaxEffects' 359: 'sbox_maxeffects' 360: '#SBoxMaxEmitters' 361: 'sbox_maxemitters' 362: '#SBoxMaxHoverBalls' 363: 'sbox_maxhoverballs' 364: '#SBoxMaxLamps' 365: 'sbox_maxlamps' 366: '#SBoxMaxNPCs' 367: 'sbox_maxnpcs' 368: '#SBoxMaxProps' 369: 'sbox_maxprops' 370: '#SBoxMaxRagdolls' 371: 'sbox_maxragdolls' 372: '#SBoxMaxSENTs' 373: 'sbox_maxsents' 374: '#SBoxMaxSpawners' 375: 'sbox_maxspawners' 376: '#SBoxMaxThrusters' 377: 'sbox_maxthrusters' 378: '#SBoxMaxTurrets' 379: 'sbox_maxturrets' 380: '#SBoxMaxVehicles' 381: 'sbox_maxvehicles' 382: '#SBoxMaxWheels' 383: 'sbox_maxwheels' 384: 'sbox_godmode' 385: 'sbox_playershurtplayers' 386: 'sbox_weapons' 387: 'sbox_noclip' 388: 'sbox_admin_nolimits' 389: '#tool.rb655_easy_bodygroup.name' 390: 'rb655_easy_bodygroup' 391: '#tool.remover.name' 392: 'remover' 393: '#Prop Spawner' 394: 'spawner' 395: 'PewPew Core' 396: 'pewpew_core' 397: 'NPC Viewcam' 398: 'npctool_viewcam' 399: '#tool.weld.name' 400: 'weld' 401: '#tool.prop_thumper' 402: 'prop_thumper' 403: '#Turret' 404: 'turret' 405: '#tool.light.name' 406: 'light' 407: '#tool.duplicator.name' 408: 'duplicator' 409: '#tool.dynamite.name' 410: 'dynamite' 411: '#tool.faceposer.name' 412: 'faceposer' 413: '#tool.hydraulic.name' 414: 'hydraulic' 415: '#Nail' 416: 'nail' 417: 'PewPew Safe Zone' 418: 'pewpew_safezone' 419: '#tool.ballsocket.name' 420: 'ballsocket' 421: '#tool.balloon.name' 422: 'balloon' 423: 'Repair Tool' 424: 'pewpew_repair_tool' 425: '#tool.winch.name' 426: 'winch' 427: '#tool.env_headcrabcanister' 428: 'env_headcrabcanister' 429: '#tool.pulley.name' 430: 'pulley' 431: '#NPCVision' 432: 'npcvision' 433: '#tool.lamp.name' 434: 'lamp' 435: 'Entity Linker' 436: 'wac_linker' 437: '#tool.eyeposer.name' 438: 'eyeposer' 439: '#Example' 440: 'example' 441: '#tool.wheel.name' 442: 'wheel' 443: '#tool.prop_npc_crate' 444: 'prop_npc_crate' 445: '#tool.material.name' 446: 'material' 447: '#Tool.weight.name' 448: 'weight' 449: '#Keep Upright' 450: '#tool.nocollide.name' 451: 'nocollide' 452: '#tool.headcrabcanister' 453: 'headcrabcanister' 454: '#tool.trigger' 455: 'trigger' 456: '#tool.trails.name' 457: 'trails' 458: '#tool.tol_jack_modifiednpcspawn.name' 459: 'tol_jack_modifiednpcspawn' 460: '#tool.prop_door' 461: 'prop_door' 462: '#tool.tol_jack_enhancednpcspawn.name' 463: 'tol_jack_enhancednpcspawn' 464: '#tool.item_ammo_crate' 465: 'item_ammo_crate' 466: '#tool.colour.name' 467: 'colour' 468: '#tool.thruster.name' 469: 'thruster' 470: '#Weld - Smart' 471: 'smartwelder' 472: 'NPC Proficiency' 473: 'npctool_proficiency' 474: '#Statue' 475: 'NPC Health' 476: 'npctool_health' 477: '#tool.slider.name' 478: 'slider' 479: '#RT Camera' 480: 'rt_camera' 481: '#tool.axis.name' 482: 'axis' 483: 'PewPew' 484: 'Anim - Pose Params' 485: 'animprop_poseparams' 486: 'NPC Controller' 487: 'npctool_controller' 488: '#tool.inflator.name' 489: 'inflator' 490: '#tool.physprop.name' 491: 'physprop' 492: '#tool.rope.name' 493: 'rope' 494: '#tool.ass_owner.name' 495: 'ass_owner' 496: '#tool.muscle.name' 497: 'muscle' 498: '#tool.rb655_easy_bonemerge.name' 499: 'rb655_easy_bonemerge' 500: '#tool.finger.name' 501: 'finger' 502: '#Ignite' 503: '#tool.item_item_crate' 504: 'item_item_crate' 505: '#tool.hoverball.name' 506: 'hoverball' 507: 'NPC Spawn Creator' 508: 'npctool_spawner' 509: '#Tool.npc_scene.name' 510: 'npc_scene' 511: '#tool.emitter.name' 512: 'emitter' 513: 'Animated Props' 514: 'animprop' 515: '#tool.paint.name' 516: 'paint' 517: '#creator' 518: 'creator' 519: '#tool.camera.name' 520: 'camera' 521: '#tool.button.name' 522: 'button' 523: '#MM' 524: 'modelmanipulator' 525: 'NPC Follower' 526: 'npctool_follower' 527: '#Ball Socket - Advanced' 528: 'ballsocket_adv' 529: '#tool.motor.name' 530: 'motor' 531: '#Magnetise' 532: 'magnetise' 533: 'NPC Relationships' 534: 'npctool_relationships' 535: 'NPC Notarget' 536: 'npctool_notarget' 537: '#tool.elastic.name' 538: 'elastic' 539: 'Weapon Designer' 540: 'pewpew_weapon_designer' 541: '#tool.editentity.name' 542: 'Anim - Give Physics' 543: 'animprop_physify' 544: '#Leafblower' 545: 'leafblower' 546: 'Anim - Gesturizer' 547: 'animprop_gesturizer' 548: 'Options Tool' 549: 'pewpew_options' 550: 'PKM' 551: 'm9k_pkm' 552: 'cw_m3super90' 553: 'Alien Blaster X' 554: 'alienblasterx_minds' 555: 'cw_g4p_ump45' 556: 'Crazy Melon Gun' 557: 'crazymelongun_minds' 558: 'Drone Remote' 559: 'weapon_remotedrone' 560: 'Crazy Heli Gun' 561: 'crazyheligun_minds' 562: 'cw_g4p_g2contender' 563: 'weapon_752_se14c' 564: 'cw_g4p_masada_acr' 565: 'SVD Dragunov' 566: 'm9k_dragunov' 567: 'weapon_bp_ar1' 568: 'weapon_clusternuke' 569: 'weapon_dronerepair' 570: 'Manhack Gun' 571: 'manhack_welder' 572: 'Heavy Machine' 573: 'weapon_heavymmhs' 574: 'SVT 40' 575: 'm9k_svt40' 576: 'Monster X4-160' 577: 'weapon_monstermhs' 578: 'Mr. Proper' 579: 'mrproper_minds' 580: 'Raging Bull' 581: 'm9k_ragingbull' 582: 'cw_mr96' 583: 'Detonator' 584: 'weapon_swrc_det' 585: 'cw_g3a3' 586: 'weapon_bp_radio' 587: 'Browning Auto 5' 588: 'm9k_browningauto5' 589: 'F2000' 590: 'm9k_f2000' 591: 'cw_g4p_m4a1' 592: 'Energy Healer' 593: 'weapon_batteryhealermhs' 594: 'Alien Disintegrator' 595: 'weapon_alienxxgun' 596: 'M16A4 ACOG' 597: 'm9k_m16a4_acog' 598: 'Plasma Repeater' 599: 'plasmagun_minds' 600: 'weapon_752_e11' 601: '#GMOD_Camera' 602: 'gmod_camera' 603: 'Colt Python' 604: 'm9k_coltpython' 605: 'SMG1' 606: 'weapon_vj_smg1' 607: 'Colt 1911' 608: 'm9k_colt1911' 609: 'weapon_bp_annabelle' 610: 'M134 Minigun' 611: 'm9k_minigun' 612: 'Dumpster-Admin' 613: 'sw_dumpster_spawner' 614: 'Cutter' 615: 'cutter_minds' 616: 'AS VAL' 617: 'm9k_val' 618: 'cw_g4p_mp412_rex' 619: 'weapon_752_ihr' 620: 'cw_ak74' 621: 'weapon_bp_alyxgun' 622: 'SPAS 12' 623: 'm9k_spas12' 624: 'npc_bms_mp5' 625: 'Hands' 626: 'wep_jack_sentrycontrols' 627: 'Terminator' 628: 'weapon_terminatormhs' 629: 'Flechette Gun' 630: 'flechette_gun' 631: 'Grappling Hook' 632: 'grapplinghook_minds' 633: 'npc_bms_357' 634: 'cw_ar15' 635: 'MP9' 636: 'm9k_mp9' 637: 'G36' 638: 'm9k_g36' 639: 'weapon_ar3' 640: 'Orbital Cannon' 641: 'weapon_orbitalstrikemhs' 642: 'Grappling Gun' 643: 'grapplinggun_minds' 644: 'Tommy Gun' 645: 'm9k_thompson' 646: 'Tau Cannon' 647: 'weapon_bp_taucannon' 648: 'M4A1 Iron' 649: 'm9k_m4a1' 650: 'HK USP' 651: 'm9k_usp' 652: 'weapon_bp_iceaxe' 653: 'cw_g4p_magpul_masada' 654: 'ALX-V1 'Pulsar' sniper' 655: 'sfw_pulsar' 656: 'weapon_bp_flaregun' 657: 'HK 416' 658: 'm9k_m416' 659: 'L85' 660: 'm9k_l85' 661: 'M249 LMG' 662: 'm9k_m249lmg' 663: 'Smoke grenade' 664: 'weapon_smokegrenmhs' 665: '9mm Pistol' 666: 'weapon_vj_9mmpistol' 667: 'AMD 65' 668: 'm9k_amd65' 669: 'cw_m14' 670: 'Flare gun' 671: 'weapon_flaregunmhs' 672: 'Double Barrel Shotgun' 673: 'm9k_dbarrel' 674: 'weapon_nukepack' 675: 'STEN' 676: 'm9k_sten' 677: 'Ion Cannon' 678: 'ioncannon_minds' 679: 'weapon_752_bowcaster' 680: 'Medkit' 681: 'weapon_medkit' 682: 'Desert Eagle' 683: 'm9k_deagle' 684: 'Thompson Contender G2' 685: 'm9k_contender' 686: 'Shraphel Grenade' 687: 'nail_grenade_minds' 688: 'Laser Mine' 689: 'weapon_minemhs' 690: 'Water gun' 691: 'weapon_watergun_mhs' 692: 'Water balls' 693: 'weapon_waterballs_mhs' 694: 'SPAS-12' 695: 'weapon_vj_spas12' 696: 'MP 40' 697: 'weapon_vj_mp40' 698: 'M16A1' 699: 'weapon_vj_m16a1' 700: 'HM357' 701: 'weapon_hm357mhs' 702: 'Glock 17' 703: 'weapon_vj_glock17' 704: 'npc_bms_revamped_glock' 705: 'weapon_redeemer' 706: 'Blaster' 707: 'weapon_vj_blaster' 708: 'Winchester 87' 709: 'm9k_1887winchester' 710: 'Remington 1858' 711: 'm9k_remington1858' 712: 'VJ NPC Controller' 713: 'weapon_vj_controller' 714: 'M29 Satan' 715: 'm9k_m29satan' 716: 'Raging Bull - Scoped' 717: 'm9k_scoped_taurus' 718: 'AR2' 719: 'weapon_vj_ar2' 720: 'weapon_752_dc17m_br' 721: 'AK-47' 722: 'weapon_vj_ak47' 723: '.357 Magnum' 724: 'weapon_vj_357' 725: 'Grenader' 726: 'weapon_stickygrenmh' 727: 'weapon_stentnine' 728: 'weapon_752_de10' 729: 'cw_g4p_m16a4' 730: 'Spray' 731: 'weapon_spraymhs' 732: 'Acidball' 733: 'acidball_minds' 734: 'Sniper rifle' 735: 'weapon_sniperriflemhs' 736: 'weapon_bp_binoculars' 737: 'weapon_vj_flaregun' 738: 'Quiet Bullet' 739: 'weapon_qbulletmhs' 740: 'Remington 7615P' 741: 'm9k_remington7615p' 742: 'HK MP7' 743: 'm9k_mp7' 744: 'weapon_bp_bbcrem' 745: 'Heli Grenade' 746: 'heligrenade_minds' 747: 'Benelli M3' 748: 'm9k_m3' 749: 'weapon_nukestrike' 750: 'HK SL8' 751: 'm9k_sl8' 752: 'Nuke' 753: 'weapon_nukemhs' 754: 'FN FAL' 755: 'm9k_fal' 756: 'Ithaca M37' 757: 'm9k_ithacam37' 758: 'Sabre' 759: 'weapon_musket_sabre' 760: 'M14' 761: 'm9k_m14sp' 762: 'M92 Beretta' 763: 'm9k_m92beretta' 764: 'Revolutionnaire' 765: 'weapon_musket_revolutionnaire' 766: 'HK MP5' 767: 'm9k_mp5' 768: 'AK-74' 769: 'm9k_ak74' 770: 'Pistol (Red)' 771: 'weapon_musket_pistol_b' 772: 'PSG-1' 773: 'm9k_psg1' 774: 'npc_bms_deagle' 775: 'Pistol (Blue)' 776: 'weapon_musket_pistol_a' 777: 'Antimatter Sniper Rifle' 778: 'sniperrifle_minds' 779: 'Charleville' 780: 'weapon_musket_charleville' 781: 'weapon_ar1' 782: 'cw_g4p_g36c' 783: 'fo_sniper' 784: 'cw_g4p_xm8' 785: 'Grenade' 786: 'weapon_grenademhs' 787: 'Frostball' 788: 'frostball_minds' 789: 'Crushitel' 790: 'weapon_crushitel' 791: 'Motion searcher' 792: 'weapon_motionsmhs' 793: 'weapon_machnuke' 794: 'TAR-21' 795: 'm9k_tar21' 796: 'Machine gun' 797: 'weapon_machinegun_mhs' 798: 'cw_deagle' 799: 'Laser P33' 800: 'weapon_lasermhs' 801: 'S & W Model 3 Russian' 802: 'm9k_model3russian' 803: 'Cannon' 804: 'handcannon_minds' 805: 'weapon_bp_oicw' 806: 'M60 Machine Gun' 807: 'm9k_m60' 808: 'The HyperG' 809: 'weapon_hypergmhs' 810: 'Hunter' 811: 'weapon_huntermhs' 812: 'HK Special' 813: 'weapon_hkspecial' 814: 'Demonic Cars Gun' 815: 'demoniccarsg_minds' 816: 'Drone Hacker' 817: 'weapon_hackdrone' 818: 'Demonic Knife' 819: 'weapon_knifemhs' 820: 'M1918 BAR' 821: 'm9k_m1918bar' 822: 'Crazy GBomb Gun' 823: 'crazygbombgun_minds' 824: 'Fists' 825: 'weapon_fists' 826: 'Faster Frag' 827: 'weapon_ffragmhs' 828: 'Electro gun' 829: 'weapon_electromhs' 830: 'Pancor Jackhammer' 831: 'm9k_jackhammer' 832: 'KRISS Vector' 833: 'm9k_vector' 834: 'Cobra' 835: 'weapon_grenlanchcobramhs' 836: 'Rocket Launcher' 837: 'nrocket_launcher_minds' 838: 'Drone Radar' 839: 'weapon_droneradar' 840: 'Hunter Gun' 841: 'airboatgun_minds' 842: 'RTB OICW' 843: 'weapon_bp_rtboicw' 844: 'Autopulse Shotgun' 845: 'autoshot_minds' 846: ''Stinger' launcher' 847: 'sfw_stinger' 848: 'weapon_cmortar' 849: 'weapon_bp_stickylauncher' 850: 'weapon_bp_sniper' 851: 'cw_g4p_glock17' 852: 'weapon_bp_smg3' 853: 'weapon_bp_smg2' 854: 'weapon_bp_shotgun' 855: 'weapon_752_dc17m_sn' 856: 'weapon_bp_rlauncher' 857: 'weapon_73watt' 858: 'DS-YER' 859: 'weapon_dsyermhs' 860: 'cw_g4p_awm' 861: 'FAMAS' 862: 'm9k_famas' 863: 'weapon_752_dc17' 864: 'weapon_bp_irifle' 865: 'cw_scarh' 866: 'S&W Model 627' 867: 'm9k_model627' 868: 'ARX 'Vapor' cannon' 869: 'sfw_vapor' 870: 'weapon_bp_immolator' 871: 'weapon_bp_hopwire' 872: 'HMG1' 873: 'weapon_bp_hmg1' 874: 'weapon_bp_guardgun' 875: 'cw_ump45' 876: 'weapon_bp_flamethrower' 877: 'KAC PDW' 878: 'm9k_kac_pdw' 879: 'weapon_bp_cubemap' 880: 'Barret M82' 881: 'm9k_barret_m82' 882: 'Shock wave' 883: 'weapon_shockwavemhs' 884: 'Timed Bomb (C4)' 885: 'weapon_bombmhs' 886: 'MP40' 887: 'm9k_mp40' 888: 'weapon_752_kyd21' 889: 'weapon_75watt' 890: 'npc_bms_m4' 891: 'IM NIHILANT' 892: 'weapon_gigermhs' 893: 'weapon_752_t21' 894: 'weapon_752_ll30' 895: 'weapon_80watt' 896: 'weapon_752_elg3a' 897: 'cw_mp5' 898: 'weapon_752_e60r' 899: 'Bizon PP19' 900: 'm9k_bizonp19' 901: 'weapon_752_e5' 902: 'cw_g36c' 903: 'weapon_752_dsbp' 904: 'cw_g4p_m98b' 905: 'weapon_bp_launcher' 906: 'Physical Automat' 907: 'physautomat_minds' 908: 'weapon_752_dl44' 909: 'weapon_752_dh17' 910: 'weapon_752_dlt19' 911: 'Remington 870' 912: 'm9k_remington870' 913: 'weapon_752_dc15sa' 914: 'weapon_752_dc15s' 915: 'HK UMP45' 916: 'm9k_ump45' 917: 'weapon_40watt' 918: 'weapon_20watt' 919: 'weapon_150watt' 920: 'MTM 'Neutrino' Cannon' 921: 'sfw_neutrino' 922: 'Fireball' 923: 'fireball_minds' 924: '73 Winchester Carbine' 925: 'm9k_winchester73' 926: 'FN P90' 927: 'm9k_smgp90' 928: 'GBomb' 929: 'gbomb_minds' 930: 'Trashbag-Admin' 931: 'sw_trashbag_roll' 932: 'grenader_minds' 933: 'Dumpster' 934: 'sw_dumpster_spawner_player' 935: 'weapon_752_westar34' 936: 'xTec 'Thunderbolt' lightning emitter' 937: 'sfw_thunderbolt' 938: 'Parkour SWEP' 939: 'parkourmod' 940: 'TC-X6 'Storm' Shotgun' 941: 'sfw_storm' 942: 'Wabbajack' 943: 'wabbajack_minds' 944: 'RK-22 'HellFire' smg' 945: 'sfw_hellfire' 946: 'RK30-K2 'Grinder' rifle' 947: 'sfw_grinder' 948: 'Custom Sci-Fi weaponry' 949: 'sfw_custom' 950: 'T3i 'Cryon' ice grenade' 951: 'sfw_cryon' 952: 'TCTG 'AcidRain' launcher' 953: 'sfw_acidrain' 954: 'Selfie Camera' 955: 'selfie_camera' 956: 'Rifle' 957: 'rifle_minds' 958: 'Barret M98B' 959: 'm9k_m98b' 960: 'Intervention' 961: 'm9k_intervention' 962: 'USAS' 963: 'm9k_usas' 964: 'gmod_tool' 965: 'FG 42' 966: 'm9k_fg42' 967: 'AN-94' 968: 'm9k_an94' 969: 'P08 Luger' 970: 'm9k_luger' 971: 'Quick bill' 972: 'weapon_qbillmhs' 973: 'cw_g4p_m16a2' 974: 'cw_g4p_fn_fal' 975: 'npc_bms_sw_magnum' 976: 'Glock 18' 977: 'm9k_glock' 978: 'AAC Honey Badger' 979: 'm9k_honeybadger' 980: 'RND 'Trace' blaster' 981: 'sfw_trace' 982: 'fo_mat' 983: 'weapon_bp_manhack' 984: 'weapon_bp_cocktail' 985: 'SCAR' 986: 'm9k_scar' 987: 'SR-3M Vikhr' 988: 'm9k_vikhr' 989: 'weapon_752_dc15a' 990: 'weapon_machluster nuke' 991: 'HK G3A3' 992: 'm9k_g3a3' 993: 'breachingcharge' 994: 'ACR' 995: 'm9k_acr' 996: 'cw_g4p_an94' 997: 'swep_flamethrower_d2k' 998: 'Trashbag' 999: 'sw_trashbag_roll_player' 1000: 'npc_bms_m9' 1001: 'm9k_ak47' 1002: 'cw_g4p_usp40' 1003: 'SIG Sauer P229R' 1004: 'm9k_sig_p229r' 1005: 'M24' 1006: 'm9k_m24' 1007: 'HK45C' 1008: 'm9k_hk45' 1009: 'weapon_752_ee3' 1010: 'Acid Sprayer' 1011: 'acid_sprayer_minds' 1012: 'npc_bms_revamped_mp5' 1013: 'HK USC' 1014: 'm9k_usc' 1015: 'Chain Sword' 1016: 'chainsword_minds' 1017: 'Dragunov SVU' 1018: 'm9k_svu' 1019: 'Ares Shrike' 1020: 'm9k_ares_shrike' 1021: 'TEC-9' 1022: 'm9k_tec9' 1023: 'Winchester 1897' 1024: 'm9k_1897winchester' 1025: 'UZI' 1026: 'm9k_uzi' 1027: 'AI AW50' 1028: 'm9k_aw50' 1029: 'Melon Grenade' 1030: 'melongrenade_minds' 1031: 'npc_bms_glock' 1032: 'Laser' 1033: 'laser_minds' 1034: 'XS Mine' 1035: 'weapon_xsgrenademhs' 1036: 'Steyr AUG A3' 1037: 'm9k_auga3' 1038: 'SakO' 1039: 'weapon_sakomhs' 1040: 'Mossberg 590' 1041: 'm9k_mossberg590' 1042: 'MP5SD' 1043: 'm9k_mp5sd' 1044: 'S&W Model 500' 1045: 'm9k_model500' 1046: 'LN2 Sprayer' 1047: 'ln2_sprayer_minds' 1048: 'cw_g4p_fiveseven' 1049: 'flamethrower_minds' 1050: 'Brownbess' 1051: 'weapon_musket_brownbess' 1052: 'Magpul PDR' 1053: 'm9k_magpulpdr' 1054: 'fo_10mm_pistol_sil' 1055: 'Striker 12' 1056: 'm9k_striker12' 1057: 'Nuka Cola' 1058: 'fo_nuka_cola' 1059: 'Sci-fi Siren 4' 1060: 'scifi_siren_4' 1061: 'Circus Siren' 1062: 'circus_music' 1063: 'Canister of NaturalGas' 1064: 'ent_jack_aidfuel_naturalgas' 1065: 'ICBM - GEE Mk 02' 1066: 'gb5_proj_icbm' 1067: 'Atomic Bomb(Barrel)' 1068: 'barrel_sent_atomic_bomb' 1069: 'RED Exit, Level 3' 1070: 'animprop_spawnexit_red3' 1071: 'Repair Drone' 1072: 'drone_rentity' 1073: 'Canister of Kerosene' 1074: 'ent_jack_aidfuel_kerosene' 1075: 'Black Mesa Alarm 7' 1076: 'bm_alarm7' 1077: 'Turret Repair Kit' 1078: 'ent_jack_turretrepairkit' 1079: 'Nuka Cola Victory' 1080: 'fo_nuka_cola_victory' 1081: 'Large Landmine' 1082: 'ent_jack_landmine_lrg' 1083: 'Various suppressors' 1084: 'cw_attpack_suppressors' 1085: 'The ArchAngel Roman Candle' 1086: 'gf_roman_candle_big' 1087: 'Bouncy Ball' 1088: 'sent_ball' 1089: 'Cracker' 1090: 'gf_cracker' 1091: 'Sun Editor' 1092: 'edit_sun' 1093: 'Tank, deploying' 1094: 'animprop_spawntank_deploy' 1095: 'Repulsion Bomb' 1096: 'gb5_sp_repulsion_bomb' 1097: 'Small Y Firework' 1098: 'gf_yellow_firework_small' 1099: 'iPod (blue)' 1100: 'sent_ipod2' 1101: 'iPod (Stone)' 1102: 'sent_ipod17' 1103: 'Soft Kevlar Vest' 1104: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_vest_sk' 1105: 'iPod (white)' 1106: 'sent_ipod' 1107: 'Bell P-39 Airacobra' 1108: 'wac_pl_p39' 1109: 'AV-8B Harrier II' 1110: 'wac_pl_mm1_av8b' 1111: 'ICBM - GEE Mk 06' 1112: 'gb5_proj_icbm_small' 1113: 'MH-X Stealth Hawk' 1114: 'wac_hc_mhx' 1115: 'BLU Exit, Level 3' 1116: 'animprop_spawnexit_blue3' 1117: 'ent_jack_seamine' 1118: 'Forcefield Generator' 1119: 'forcefield_generator' 1120: 'Nuka Cola Fusion' 1121: 'fo_nuka_cola_fusion' 1122: 'SMG Rounds' 1123: 'm9k_ammo_smg' 1124: 'HEM 19 - Tomahawk' 1125: 'gb5_proj_tomahawk' 1126: 'Howitzer' 1127: 'gb5_cp_howitzer_can' 1128: 'Davy Crockett Launcher' 1129: 'gb5_nuclear_davy_launcher' 1130: 'Nuclear Testing Tower 2' 1131: 'gb5_misc_tower_02' 1132: 'Flashbang' 1133: 'gb5_sp_flashbang' 1134: 'UH-1D Gunship' 1135: 'wac_hc_uh1d_gunship' 1136: 'T-Virus [Cure]' 1137: 'gb5_chemical_tvirus_cure' 1138: '7.62mm AmmoBox' 1139: 'ent_jack_turretammobox_762' 1140: 'Robinson R22' 1141: 'wac_hc_r22' 1142: 'Nano Drone' 1143: 'drone_nentity' 1144: 'Yellow Flare' 1145: 'gf_yellow_flare' 1146: 'AR-15 - stocks package' 1147: 'cw_attpack_ar15_stocks' 1148: 'Nuka Cola Quantum' 1149: 'fo_nuka_cola_quantum' 1150: 'F-16C Falcon' 1151: 'wac_pl_f16' 1152: '.30 Winchester Ammo' 1153: 'cw_ammo_30winchester' 1154: 'Eurocopter EC-655' 1155: 'wac_hc_ec655' 1156: 'Green Flare' 1157: 'gf_green_flare' 1158: 'Atomic Bomb(crate)' 1159: 'crate_sent_atomic_bomb' 1160: 'Energy Healers' 1161: 'ammo_healers_mhs' 1162: 'iPod (Qbe)' 1163: 'sent_ipod18' 1164: 'Sci-fi Siren 5' 1165: 'scifi_siren_5' 1166: 'XNI HEB - 500lb' 1167: 'gb5_medium_b_500lb' 1168: 'Med Y Firework' 1169: 'gf_yellow_firework' 1170: 'War Mine' 1171: 'ent_jack_warmine' 1172: 'Crowbar Railgun' 1173: 'cannon_ent' 1174: '[3] Hydrogen Propellant' 1175: 'gb5_propellant_hydrogen' 1176: 'Maintenance Station' 1177: 'wac_aircraft_maintenance' 1178: 'Davy Crockett Tripod' 1179: 'gb5_nuclear_davy_tripod' 1180: 'Riot Helmet' 1181: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_helm_ri' 1182: 'Nuka Cola Quartz' 1183: 'fo_nuka_cola_quartz' 1184: 'Armor Panel - Large' 1185: 'ent_jack_armorpanel_large' 1186: 'Black Mesa Alarm 10' 1187: 'bm_alarm10' 1188: 'Davy Crockett' 1189: 'gb5_nuclear_davycrockett' 1190: 'iPod (green)' 1191: 'sent_ipod3' 1192: 'Box of Food' 1193: 'ent_jack_aidfood' 1194: 'Nuka Cola Heat' 1195: 'fo_nuka_cola_heat' 1196: 'iPod (Snow)' 1197: 'sent_ipod10' 1198: 'Zombie Spawner' 1199: 'ent_jack_npcspawner' 1200: 'Singularity Bomb' 1201: 'gb5_sp_singularitybomb' 1202: 'Lrg P-B Sparkles Firework' 1203: 'gf_purple_blue_fw_big' 1204: 'Endothermic Bomb' 1205: 'gb5_sp_endothermic' 1206: 'Playable Piano' 1207: 'gmt_instrument_piano' 1208: 'AV-8B Harrier II VTOL' 1209: 'wac_hc_mm1_av8b' 1210: 'MP5 - miscellaneous' 1211: 'cw_attpack_mp5_misc' 1212: 'Atomic Annie Base' 1213: 'gb5_cp_anniebase' 1214: 'GXM10 - Thermobaric' 1215: 'gb5_medium_m_thermobaric' 1216: 'GXM11 - Thermobaric' 1217: 'gb5_heavy_b_thermobaric' 1218: 'Mk33 [Atomic]' 1219: 'gb5_nuclear_grable' 1220: 'Gas Mask' 1221: 'gas_mask' 1222: 'C-130J Hercules' 1223: 'wac_pl_c130' 1224: 'EMP Device' 1225: 'gb5_emp' 1226: 'Laser Drone' 1227: 'drone_lentity' 1228: 'AR-15 - long barrels' 1229: 'cw_attpack_ar15_barrels_large' 1230: 'Matt Core' 1231: 'sent_mattcore' 1232: 'Davy Crockett Propellant' 1233: 'gb5_cp_davy_propel' 1234: 'Black Mesa Alarm 12b' 1235: 'bm_alarm12b' 1236: 'XMI HEB - 1000lb' 1237: 'gb5_heavy_b_1000lb' 1238: 'Ammo kit' 1239: 'cw_ammo_kit_regular' 1240: 'Grenade ST' 1241: 'ent_jack_turret_grenade' 1242: 'Ammo crate' 1243: 'cw_ammo_crate_regular' 1244: 'Smooth Jazz Core' 1245: 'sent_jazzcore' 1246: 'Red-Matter Bomb' 1247: 'gb5_sp_redmatter_bomb' 1248: 'Stab Vest' 1249: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_vest_sv' 1250: 'Sniper Rounds' 1251: 'ammo_sniperrounds_mhs' 1252: 'Space Core' 1253: 'sent_spacecore' 1254: 'Seat Connector' 1255: 'wac_seat_connector' 1256: 'VX Gas' 1257: 'gb5_chemical_xg_gas' 1258: 'Radio Repair Kit' 1259: 'ent_jack_radiorepairkit' 1260: 'Propellant - Large' 1261: 'gf_propellant_large' 1262: 'Black Mesa Alarm 8' 1263: 'bm_alarm8' 1264: '9mm Ammo Box' 1265: 'ent_jack_turretammobox_9mm' 1266: 'Atomic Bomb(Soda Can)' 1267: 'soda_sent_atomic_bomb' 1268: 'Map' 1269: 'entity_map_mhs' 1270: '[4] Anti-Matter Propellant' 1271: 'gb5_propellant_antimatter' 1272: 'Fire/Faraday Suit' 1273: 'ent_jack_suit_fire' 1274: 'iPod (black)' 1275: 'sent_ipod4' 1276: 'EOD Suit' 1277: 'ent_jack_suit_eod' 1278: '.45 ACP Ammo' 1279: 'cw_ammo_45acp' 1280: 'Missile Tube' 1281: 'ent_jack_turretmissilepod' 1282: 'iPod (Rain)' 1283: 'sent_ipod11' 1284: 'HE Missile(Melon)' 1285: 'melon_sent_he_missile' 1286: 'Kevlar SAPI Vest' 1287: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_vest_ks' 1288: 'Sky Editor' 1289: 'edit_sky' 1290: 'SubMachineGun ST' 1291: 'ent_jack_turret_smg' 1292: 'Hazmat suit' 1293: 'hazmat_suit' 1294: 'Ammo Giver' 1295: 'ammogiver_ent' 1296: 'Nuclear Initiator' 1297: 'gb5_nuclear_initiator' 1298: 'Drone w/o Gun' 1299: 'drone_wentity' 1300: 'Supermarine Spitfire V' 1301: 'wac_pl_spitfire' 1302: 'TNT' 1303: 'sent_tnt' 1304: 'RoflCopter' 1305: 'wac_hc_roflcopter' 1306: 'LEB- 50lb' 1307: 'gb5_light_b_50lb' 1308: 'Viper AH-1Z' 1309: 'wac_hc_ah1z_viper' 1310: 'HE Missile(Brief Case)' 1311: 'briefcase_sent_he_missile' 1312: 'LEM - Cluster Mine' 1313: 'gb5_m_clustermine' 1314: 'OH-23G Raven' 1315: 'wac_hc_raven_oh23' 1316: 'Schrapnel Bomb' 1317: 'gb5_light_schrapnel_bomb' 1318: 'Nuka Cola Clear' 1319: 'fo_nuka_cola_clear' 1320: 'Havoc Mi-28' 1321: 'wac_hc_mi28_havoc' 1322: 'Small ammo kit' 1323: 'cw_ammo_kit_small' 1324: 'CCGT Generator' 1325: 'ent_jack_generator' 1326: 'LEM - Field Raper' 1327: 'gb5_m_clustermine_2' 1328: 'DH.98 Mosquito B MK.IV' 1329: 'wac_pl_dh98' 1330: 'Buckshot' 1331: 'm9k_ammo_buckshot' 1332: 'Sparkler' 1333: 'gf_sparkler' 1334: 'Black Mesa Alarm 6' 1335: 'bm_alarm6' 1336: 'Su-39 Frogfoot' 1337: 'wac_pl_hawx_su39' 1338: 'Mine-Dropping Drone' 1339: 'drone_centity' 1340: 'SCP-106' 1341: '106' 1342: 'Spy Drone' 1343: 'drone_sentity' 1344: 'Fish Core' 1345: 'sent_fishcore' 1346: 'Sights - CQB' 1347: 'cw_attpack_sights_cqb' 1348: 'Anti-Gravity Bomb' 1349: 'gb5_sp_antigravity' 1350: 'Wildfire Barrel' 1351: 'gb5_misc_wildfire_barrel' 1352: 'Small ammo crate' 1353: 'cw_ammo_crate_small' 1354: 'CH-46 Sea Knight' 1355: 'wac_hc_ch46_seaknight' 1356: 'Nyan Core' 1357: 'sent_nyancore' 1358: 'iPod (Leopard)' 1359: 'sent_ipod12' 1360: 'LEB- 100lb' 1361: 'gb5_light_b_100lb' 1362: 'Pressure-Cooker' 1363: 'gb5_light_b_pressurecooker' 1364: 'Poison Gas' 1365: 'gb5_chemical_poisongas' 1366: 'rocketbattery_ent' 1367: 'AR-15 - barrels package' 1368: 'cw_attpack_ar15_barrels' 1369: 'Shotgun ST' 1370: 'ent_jack_turret_shotty' 1371: 'Drone' 1372: 'drone_entity' 1373: 'Sticky Grens Ammo' 1374: 'ammo_stickygrens_mhs' 1375: 'AH-1W Super Cobra' 1376: 'wac_hc_ah1w' 1377: 'Wildfire Vial' 1378: 'gb5_misc_wildfire_vial' 1379: 'iPod (Alien)' 1380: 'sent_ipod5' 1381: '357' 1382: 'm9k_ammo_357' 1383: 'Tank, moving' 1384: 'animprop_spawntank_moving' 1385: 'Electrical Node' 1386: 'ent_jack_powernode' 1387: 'Impact Helmet' 1388: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_helm_im' 1389: 'Mark 77 Napalm' 1390: 'gb5_chemical_napalm' 1391: 'Canister of Gasoline' 1392: 'ent_jack_aidfuel_gasoline' 1393: 'HE Missile(Barrel)' 1394: 'barrel_sent_he_missile' 1395: 'AK-74 - stocks package' 1396: 'cw_attpack_ak74_stocks' 1397: 'Nuclear Testing Tower 1' 1398: 'gb5_misc_tower_01' 1399: 'Black Mesa Alarm 3' 1400: 'bm_alarm3' 1401: 'Ballistic Shield' 1402: 'ent_jack_ballistic_shield' 1403: 'Howitzer Incen Shell' 1404: 'gb5_proj_howitzer_shell_in' 1405: 'V2 - MRD1022' 1406: 'gb5_proj_v2_small' 1407: 'Breaching Charge' 1408: 'gb5_light_b_c2' 1409: '40MM Rounds' 1410: 'cw_ammo_40mm' 1411: 'If I Were A Core' 1412: 'sent_iwaccore' 1413: 'Cluster-Fucking Nuke' 1414: 'gb5_nuclear_clusternuke' 1415: 'Explosive Car' 1416: 'explosive_car' 1417: 'Nuka Cola Cherry' 1418: 'fo_nuka_cola_cherry' 1419: 'fo_dumpster' 1420: '5.56x45MM Ammo' 1421: 'cw_ammo_556x45' 1422: 'Blue Danube Core' 1423: 'sent_bluecore' 1424: 'Carrier' 1425: 'animprop_spawnacarrier' 1426: 'Nuclear-H Case 01' 1427: 'gb5_nuclear_c_h1' 1428: 'BLU Entrance, Level 3' 1429: 'animprop_spawnentrance_blue3' 1430: 'Anti-Materiel ST' 1431: 'ent_jack_turret_amateriel' 1432: 'Medium Landmine' 1433: 'ent_jack_landmine_med' 1434: 'Canister of Propane' 1435: 'ent_jack_aidfuel_propane' 1436: 'Combine Mech' 1437: 'sent_combinemech' 1438: 'iPod (Brick)' 1439: 'sent_ipod13' 1440: 'Fw 190A-5 Würger' 1441: 'wac_pl_fw190' 1442: 'MH-53 Sea Stallion' 1443: 'wac_hc_mh53_pavelow' 1444: 'Rocket ST' 1445: 'ent_jack_turret_rocket' 1446: 'Canister of Diesel' 1447: 'ent_jack_aidfuel_diesel' 1448: 'Lrg R-G Cone Firework' 1449: 'gf_red_green_cone' 1450: 'Fusion Bomb' 1451: 'gb5_sp_fusionbomb' 1452: 'iPod (Blue flame)' 1453: 'sent_ipod6' 1454: 'Hazmat Suit Remover' 1455: 'hazmat_suit_remover' 1456: 'Atomic Annie' 1457: 'gb5_cp_annie' 1458: 'Space nuke' 1459: 'gb5_sp_spacenuke' 1460: 'Tesla Sentry' 1461: 'ent_jack_teslasentry' 1462: 'Peace Walker AI Pod Core' 1463: 'sent_pwaicore' 1464: 'HE Missile(mk-82)' 1465: 'mk-82_sent_he_missile' 1466: 'Fragile Atomic Bomb(mk-82)' 1467: 'mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb' 1468: 'Mil Mi-17 Hip' 1469: 'wac_hc_mi17' 1470: 'Deagle - barrels' 1471: 'cw_attpack_deagle_barrels' 1472: 'Sentry Terminal' 1473: 'ent_jack_terminal' 1474: '12 Gauge' 1475: 'cw_ammo_12gauge' 1476: 'Bludger' 1477: 'bludger_ent' 1478: 'Sunset Sarsaparilla' 1479: 'fo_sunset' 1480: 'Ultra Power Shit' 1481: 'ultrapowarshit_ent' 1482: 'Plutonium-239' 1483: 'gb5_nuclear_c_plutonium' 1484: 'Claymore Mine' 1485: 'ent_jack_claymore' 1486: 'Red Flare' 1487: 'gf_red_flare' 1488: 'RED Entrance, Level 3' 1489: 'animprop_spawnentrance_red3' 1490: 'Plinker ST' 1491: 'ent_jack_turret_plinker' 1492: 'Small G Firework' 1493: 'gf_green_firework_small' 1494: 'Armor Panel - Medium' 1495: 'ent_jack_armorpanel_medium' 1496: 'MP5 - barrels' 1497: 'cw_attpack_mp5_barrels' 1498: 'Fridge' 1499: 'gb5_fridge' 1500: 'Ivy Mike' 1501: 'gb5_nuclear_ivymike' 1502: 'Curtiss JN-4 Jenny' 1503: 'wac_pl_jenny' 1504: 'F-4 Phantom II' 1505: 'wac_pl_f4' 1506: '[2] Oxy-kerosine Propellant' 1507: 'gb5_propellant_oxykerosine' 1508: 'Duping Box' 1509: 'dupingbox_ent' 1510: 'Gadget' 1511: 'gb5_nuclear_trinity' 1512: 'Med R Firework' 1513: 'gf_red_firework' 1514: 'CBU-52U' 1515: 'gb5_heavy_cbu' 1516: 'Atomic Bomb(Melon)' 1517: 'melon_sent_atomic_bomb' 1518: 'Special Firework 2' 1519: 'gf_firework_special_2' 1520: 'Lrg R-B Sparkles Firework' 1521: 'gf_rocket_redblue' 1522: 'Ammo types - rifles' 1523: 'cw_attpack_ammotypes_rifles' 1524: 'iPod (Dead floor)' 1525: 'sent_ipod14' 1526: 'Nuka Cola Black' 1527: 'fo_nuka_cola_black' 1528: 'Impact Vest' 1529: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_vest_im' 1530: 'Exile Vilify Core' 1531: 'sent_vlfycore' 1532: 'Half-Life 1 Alarm 4' 1533: 'hl1_alarm4' 1534: 'Legendary Core' 1535: 'sent_legendarycore' 1536: 'Fog Editor' 1537: 'edit_fog' 1538: 'Gas Mask Remover' 1539: 'gas_mask_remover' 1540: 'Nortonv8 Core v2' 1541: 'sent_nortcore' 1542: 'Wheatley' 1543: 'sent_wheatley' 1544: 'RED Entrance' 1545: 'animprop_spawnentrance_red' 1546: 'Hypersonic Bomb' 1547: 'gb5_sp_hypersonic' 1548: 'Winchester Ammo' 1549: 'm9k_ammo_winchester' 1550: 'Dark-Matter Bomb' 1551: 'gb5_sp_blackhole_bomb' 1552: 'Black Mesa Alarm 13' 1553: 'bm_alarm13' 1554: 'Unwelding Brick' 1555: 'unweldingbrick_ent' 1556: 'iPod (Bubble)' 1557: 'sent_ipod7' 1558: 'Human Gib' 1559: 'bgo_gib' 1560: 'Rifle ST' 1561: 'ent_jack_turret_rifle' 1562: 'Sights - long range' 1563: 'cw_attpack_sights_longrange' 1564: 'Propane Canister' 1565: 'gb5_misc_propane_can' 1566: 'MP5 - stocks' 1567: 'cw_attpack_mp5_stocks' 1568: 'Boeing T-45C Goshawk' 1569: 'wac_pl_t45' 1570: 'Propellant - Small' 1571: 'gf_propellant_small' 1572: 'BBD Core' 1573: 'sent_bbdcore' 1574: 'Humans' 1575: 'ent_jack_humans' 1576: '.40 Smith & Wesson Ammo' 1577: 'cw_ammo_40sw' 1578: 'Black Mesa Alarm 14b' 1579: 'bm_alarm14b' 1580: 'UH-144 Falcon' 1581: 'wac_hc_falcon' 1582: 'Tourettes Core' 1583: 'sent_tourettescore' 1584: '.338 Lapua Magnum Ammo' 1585: 'cw_ammo_338lapua' 1586: 'Kevlar Resin Helmet' 1587: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_helm_kr' 1588: 'Sci-fi Siren' 1589: 'scifi_siren' 1590: 'Silver Rain Fountain' 1591: 'gf_fountain_silverrain' 1592: 'H-3 (Tritium)' 1593: 'gb5_nuclear_c_tritium' 1594: 'RAH-66 Comanche' 1595: 'wac_hc_rah66' 1596: '.22LR Ammo Box' 1597: 'ent_jack_turretammobox_22' 1598: 'Boeing AH-64D Longbow' 1599: 'wac_hc_ah64d_longbow' 1600: 'Special Firework 3' 1601: 'gf_firework_special_3' 1602: '.50 AE Ammo' 1603: 'cw_ammo_50ae' 1604: 'ICBM Warhead' 1605: 'gb5_proj_icbm_wh' 1606: 'A-10A Thunderbolt' 1607: 'wac_pl_a10' 1608: 'Roman Candle G-R' 1609: 'gf_roman_candle_gr' 1610: 'Sunset Sarsaparilla Vending Machine' 1611: 'fo_sunset_vending_machine' 1612: 'Half-Life 1 Alarm 1' 1613: 'hl1_alarm1' 1614: 'Gangnam Core' 1615: 'sent_gnamcore' 1616: 'Frag Grenades' 1617: 'cw_ammo_fraggrenades' 1618: 'Sci-fi Siren 2' 1619: 'scifi_siren_2' 1620: 'The RedAngel Roman Candle' 1621: 'gf_roman_candle_big_v2' 1622: 'Elite Rebels' 1623: 'ent_jack_eliterebels' 1624: 'iPod (GoodStyle)' 1625: 'sent_ipod8' 1626: 'Aid Communicator' 1627: 'ent_jack_aidcomm' 1628: 'UECW Rails' 1629: 'x_cw_extra_g4p_railpack' 1630: 'UECW Attachments' 1631: 'x_cw_extra_g4p_attpack' 1632: 'Five-SeveN 5.7x28MM Ammo' 1633: 'cw_ammo_fn57x28' 1634: 'Nuclear Siren' 1635: 'nuclear_siren' 1636: 'Melon Drone' 1637: 'drone_mentity' 1638: 'Aircreation 582SL' 1639: 'wac_pl_ultralight' 1640: 'P-51D Mustang' 1641: 'wac_pl_p51' 1642: 'Curtiss P-40E Kittyhawk' 1643: 'wac_pl_p40' 1644: 'F-22A Raptor' 1645: 'wac_pl_hawx_fa22' 1646: 'F/A-18F Super Hornet' 1647: 'wac_pl_fa18' 1648: 'F-86F Sabre' 1649: 'wac_pl_f86' 1650: 'F-15E Strike Eagle' 1651: 'wac_pl_f15e2' 1652: 'F-15E Strike Eagle solo' 1653: 'wac_pl_f15e' 1654: 'Cessna C172' 1655: 'wac_pl_c172' 1656: 'Fat man' 1657: 'gb5_nuclear_fatman' 1658: 'MachineGun ST' 1659: 'ent_jack_turret_mg' 1660: 'Nuka Cola Vending Machine' 1661: 'fo_nuka_vending_machine' 1662: 'BD-5J Micro Jet' 1663: 'wac_pl_bd5j' 1664: 'Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero' 1665: 'wac_pl_a6m2' 1666: 'UH-1Y Venom' 1667: 'wac_hc_uh1y_venom' 1668: 'S-64 Skycrane' 1669: 'wac_hc_s64' 1670: 'Black Mesa Alarm 1' 1671: 'bm_alarm1' 1672: 'Atomic Bomb(canister)' 1673: 'canister_sent_atomic_bomb' 1674: 'KA-50 BlackShark' 1675: 'wac_hc_ka50' 1676: 'D77H-TCI Pelican' 1677: 'wac_hc_pelican' 1678: 'Bell OH-58D Kiowa' 1679: 'wac_hc_oh58_kiowa' 1680: 'MV-22 Osprey' 1681: 'wac_hc_mv22' 1682: 'Mil Mi-35' 1683: 'wac_hc_mi35' 1684: 'Little Bird MH-6' 1685: 'wac_hc_littlebird_mh6' 1686: 'iPod (Warning)' 1687: 'sent_ipod15' 1688: 'Hughes 500D' 1689: 'wac_hc_littlebird_h500' 1690: 'Little Bird AH-6' 1691: 'wac_hc_littlebird_ah6' 1692: 'AV-14 Hornet' 1693: 'wac_hc_hornet' 1694: 'Double Minigun Drone' 1695: 'drone_dentity' 1696: 'CH-47 Chinook' 1697: 'wac_hc_ch47_chinook' 1698: 'Black Hawk UH-60' 1699: 'wac_hc_blackhawk_uh60' 1700: 'Bell 206B (Amphibious)' 1701: 'wac_hc_206b_amphib' 1702: 'Bell 206B' 1703: 'wac_hc_206b' 1704: 'Armor Panel - Small' 1705: 'ent_jack_armorpanel_small' 1706: 'iPod (Wood)' 1707: 'sent_ipod19' 1708: 'Armored Drone' 1709: 'drone_aentity' 1710: 'Howitzer Chlorine Shell' 1711: 'gb5_proj_howitzer_shell_cl' 1712: 'Zombies' 1713: 'ent_jack_zombies' 1714: 'Green Fire Fountain' 1715: 'gf_fountain_greenfire' 1716: 'Dragonfire Fountain' 1717: 'gf_fountain_dragonfire' 1718: 'Blue Flare' 1719: 'gf_blue_flare' 1720: 'Small B Firework' 1721: 'gf_blue_firework_small' 1722: 'Atomic Bomb(Brief Case)' 1723: 'briefcase_sent_atomic_bomb' 1724: 'Attraction Bomb' 1725: 'gb5_sp_attraction_bomb' 1726: 'Tsar Bomba' 1727: 'gb5_nuclear_tsarbomba' 1728: '5.56mm AmmoBox' 1729: 'ent_jack_turretammobox_556' 1730: 'Howitzer Propellant' 1731: 'gb5_cp_howitzer_p' 1732: 'HE Missile(Soda Can)' 1733: 'soda_sent_he_missile' 1734: 'm9k_ammo_sniper_rounds' 1735: 'Exothermic Bomb' 1736: 'gb5_sp_exothermic' 1737: 'gb5_light_b_c4' 1738: 'Headcrabs' 1739: 'ent_jack_headcrabs' 1740: 'Mk33 Propellant' 1741: 'gb5_nuclear_propellant' 1742: 'Markiplier Core' 1743: 'sent_markcore' 1744: 'Firework Rack 01' 1745: 'gf_rack_01' 1746: 'Rick' 1747: 'sent_adventurecore' 1748: '12GA Ammo Box' 1749: 'ent_jack_turretammobox_shot' 1750: 'ICBM - GEE Mk 10' 1751: 'gb5_proj_icbm_big' 1752: 'Palistinian Alarm Clock' 1753: 'ala_clock' 1754: 'General Siren' 1755: 'general_siren' 1756: 'LEM - Field Raper [Warning OP]' 1757: 'gb5_m_clustermine_fraper_ad' 1758: '.357 Magnum Ammo' 1759: 'cw_ammo_357magnum' 1760: '[1] Petrolium Propellant' 1761: 'gb5_propellant_petrolium' 1762: 'Mark 82 - 750lb' 1763: 'gb5_medium_b_mk82' 1764: 'Sleeping Bag' 1765: 'ent_jack_sleepinbag' 1766: 'Black Mesa Alarm 9' 1767: 'bm_alarm9' 1768: 'Nuclear-B Case 01' 1769: 'gb5_nuclear_c_b1' 1770: 'Boom Core' 1771: 'sent_boomcore' 1772: 'S.L.A.M. Mine' 1773: 'ent_jack_slam' 1774: 'Hack Station' 1775: 'hacktool_drone' 1776: 'Ballistic Nylon Vest' 1777: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_vest_bn' 1778: '7.62x51MM Ammo' 1779: 'cw_ammo_762x51' 1780: 'Sci-fi Siren 3' 1781: 'scifi_siren_3' 1782: '[5] Trilithium Propellant' 1783: 'gb5_propellant_trilithium' 1784: 'Bounding Mine' 1785: 'ent_jack_boundingmine' 1786: '240mm Tankshell' 1787: 'gb5_proj_tankshell_240' 1788: 'Ammo types - shotguns' 1789: 'cw_attpack_ammotypes_shotguns' 1790: 'Cluster Minelayer' 1791: 'ent_jack_clusterminebomb' 1792: 'U.S. Army Fireteam' 1793: 'ent_jack_soldiers' 1794: 'AK-74 - miscellaneous' 1795: 'cw_attpack_ak74_misc' 1796: 'Black Mesa Alarm 4' 1797: 'bm_alarm4' 1798: 'Marksman ST' 1799: 'ent_jack_turret_dmr' 1800: 'iPod (Rocking Fortress)' 1801: 'sent_ipod9' 1802: 'Rocket Tube' 1803: 'ent_jack_turretrocketpod' 1804: 'Little boy' 1805: 'gb5_nuclear_littleboy' 1806: 'Howitzer HE Shell' 1807: 'gb5_proj_howitzer_shell_he' 1808: '9x19MM Ammo' 1809: 'cw_ammo_9x19' 1810: 'IFF Tag' 1811: 'ent_jack_ifftag' 1812: 'Indiana Jones Radio' 1813: 'radio_music' 1814: 'Howitzer Frag Shell' 1815: 'gb5_proj_howitzer_shell_frag' 1816: 'Pistol Rounds' 1817: 'm9k_ammo_pistol' 1818: 'LEM - Schrapnel Mine' 1819: 'gb5_m_schrapnel_mine' 1820: 'Radioactive Barrel' 1821: 'gb5_radbarrel' 1822: 'Black Mesa Alarm 2' 1823: 'bm_alarm2' 1824: 'Nitroglycerin' 1825: 'gb5_light_b_nitro' 1826: 'Small R Firework' 1827: 'gf_red_firework_small' 1828: 'Half-Life 1 Alarm 3' 1829: 'hl1_alarm3' 1830: 'Nuka Cola Frost' 1831: 'fo_nuka_cola_frost' 1832: 'T-Virus' 1833: 'gb5_chemical_tvirus' 1834: 'BLU Entrance' 1835: 'animprop_spawnentrance_blue' 1836: 'Teleport point' 1837: 'entity_teleportstart_mhs' 1838: 'ent_jack_suit_hazmat' 1839: 'Combine Stalkers' 1840: 'ent_jack_combinestalkers' 1841: '.44 Magnum Ammo' 1842: 'cw_ammo_44magnum' 1843: 'T-12 Cloudmaker' 1844: 'gb5_heavy_b_t12' 1845: 'Dova-Core' 1846: 'sent_dovacore' 1847: 'Elite Combine' 1848: 'ent_jack_elitecombine' 1849: 'Messerschmitt BF-109E' 1850: 'wac_pl_bf109' 1851: 'Half-Life 1 Alarm 2' 1852: 'hl1_alarm2' 1853: 'Black Mesa Alarm 5' 1854: 'bm_alarm5' 1855: 'Steel Helmet' 1856: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_helm_st' 1857: 'Antlions' 1858: 'ent_jack_antlions' 1859: 'Liquid Tiberium Bomb' 1860: 'gb5_heavy_b_liqtiberium' 1861: 'Black Mesa Alarm 15' 1862: 'bm_alarm15' 1863: 'Small Landmine' 1864: 'ent_jack_landmine_sml' 1865: 'Supersonic Bomb' 1866: 'gb5_sp_supersonic' 1867: 'BLU Exit' 1868: 'animprop_spawnexit_blue' 1869: 'MR96 - barrels' 1870: 'cw_attpack_mr96_barrels' 1871: 'Orbital Cannon Computer' 1872: 'entity_obs_computermhs' 1873: 'Combine' 1874: 'ent_jack_combine' 1875: 'Assault Ammo' 1876: 'm9k_ammo_ar2' 1877: 'Paint Kit' 1878: 'ent_jack_paintcan' 1879: 'Photon Torpedo' 1880: 'gb5_proj_pho-torp' 1881: 'Mega Bass 2000 watt rms' 1882: 'mega_bass_radio' 1883: 'Black Mesa Alarm 11' 1884: 'bm_alarm11' 1885: 'Flame Fougasse Kit' 1886: 'ent_jack_fougassekit' 1887: 'Blue Goblin Fountain' 1888: 'gf_fountain_bluegoblin' 1889: 'iPod (Blood)' 1890: 'sent_ipod20' 1891: 'iPod (Metal)' 1892: 'sent_ipod16' 1893: 'AK-74 - barrel package' 1894: 'cw_attpack_ak74_barrels' 1895: 'Atomic Bomb(mk-82)' 1896: 'mk-82_sent_atomic_bomb' 1897: 'Lrg B-W Firework' 1898: 'gf_firework_blue_white' 1899: '135mm Tankshell' 1900: 'gb5_proj_tankshell' 1901: 'Black Mesa Alarm 12' 1902: 'bm_alarm12' 1903: 'Skyrim Shouts Core' 1904: 'sent_skshcore' 1905: '.338LM AmmoBox' 1906: 'ent_jack_turretammobox_338' 1907: 'Weapon Locker' 1908: 'fo_weapon_locker' 1909: 'Cracker Box' 1910: 'gf_cracker_box' 1911: 'Air-Raid Siren' 1912: 'airraid_siren' 1913: 'iPod (pink)' 1914: 'sent_ipod1' 1915: 'Box of Water' 1916: 'ent_jack_aidwater' 1917: 'Med B Firework' 1918: 'gf_blue_firework' 1919: 'Junkers Ju-87 Stuka' 1920: 'wac_pl_ju87' 1921: '5.45x39MM Ammo' 1922: 'cw_ammo_545x39' 1923: 'Jdam - 1150lb' 1924: 'gb5_heavy_b_jdam' 1925: 'Self-Destructing Drone' 1926: 'drone_bentity' 1927: '170mm Tankshell' 1928: 'gb5_proj_tankshell_170' 1929: 'XS Mines ammo' 1930: 'ammo_xsminesmhs' 1931: 'Uranium-235' 1932: 'gb5_nuclear_c_uranium' 1933: 'Grenades' 1934: 'ammo_grens_mhs' 1935: 'Polyethylene Helmet' 1936: 'ent_jack_bodyarmor_helm_pe' 1937: 'Rockets' 1938: 'ammo_dsyer_mhs' 1939: 'RED Exit' 1940: 'animprop_spawnexit_red' 1941: 'UH-1D Huey' 1942: 'wac_hc_uh1d' 1943: 'JukeBox' 1944: 'fo_jukebox' 1945: 'Propellant - Medium' 1946: 'gf_propellant_medium' 1947: 'G3 - SG1 package' 1948: 'cw_attpack_g3_sg1package' 1949: 'Pistol ST' 1950: 'ent_jack_turret_pistol' 1951: 'AR-15 - miscellaneous' 1952: 'cw_attpack_ar15_misc' 1953: 'Med W Firework' 1954: 'gf_white_firework' 1955: 'Antimatter Canister' 1956: 'gb5_nuclear_antimatter' 1957: '40mm AmmoBox' 1958: 'ent_jack_turretammobox_40mm' 1959: 'Alien Disintegrator Ammo' 1960: 'ammo_alienxx_mhs' 1961: 'Lrg Y-W Sparkles Firework' 1962: 'gf_yellowwhite_fw_big' 1963: 'Tank, still' 1964: 'animprop_spawntank' 1965: 'Missile ST' 1966: 'ent_jack_turret_missile' 1967: 'Battery' 1968: 'ent_jack_turretbattery' 1969: 'Various attachments' 1970: 'cw_attpack_various' 1971: 'Black Mesa Alarm 14' 1972: 'bm_alarm14' 1973: 'Sniper ST' 1974: 'ent_jack_turret_sniper' 1975: 'Med G Firework' 1976: 'gf_green_firework' 1977: 'KillerToaster Core' 1978: 'sent_killertoastercore' 1979: 'Special Firework 1' 1980: 'gf_firework_special_1' 1981: 'worldspawn' 1982: 'player_manager' 1983: 'weapon_oldmanharpoon' 1984: 'weapon_stunstick' 1985: 'weapon_smg1' 1986: 'grenade_ar2' 1987: 'weapon_slam' 1988: 'npc_tripmine' 1989: 'npc_satchel' 1990: 'weapon_shotgun' 1991: 'weapon_rpg' 1992: 'rpg_missile' 1993: 'weapon_pistol' 1994: 'weapon_physcannon' 1995: 'weapon_frag' 1996: 'npc_grenade_frag' 1997: 'weapon_crowbar' 1998: 'weapon_crossbow' 1999: 'crossbow_bolt' 2000: 'weapon_ar2' 2001: 'prop_combine_ball' 2002: 'env_entity_dissolver' 2003: 'weapon_357' 2004: 'weapon_citizensuitcase' 2005: 'weapon_citizenpackage' 2006: 'item_healthvial' 2007: 'item_healthkit' 2008: 'item_battery' 2009: 'weapon_handgrenade' 2010: 'grenade_hand' 2011: 'simple_bot' 2012: 'ai_weapon_stunstick' 2013: 'ai_weapon_smg1' 2014: 'ai_weapon_shotgun' 2015: 'ai_weapon_rpg' 2016: 'ai_weapon_pistol' 2017: 'ai_weapon_crowbar' 2018: 'ai_weapon_crossbow' 2019: 'ai_weapon_ar2' 2020: 'ai_weapon_357' 2021: 'weapon_alyxgun' 2022: 'vgui_screen' 2023: 'entityflame' 2024: 'weapon_physgun' 2025: 'weapon_swep' 2026: 'editvariable' 2027: 'env_fog_controller' 2028: 'env_sun' 2029: 'ASS_Alltalk' 2030: 'ASS_Proxtalk' 2031: 'ASS_SpamtoolProtect' 2032: 'ASS_SpamspawnProtect' 2033: 'ASS_ClientTell' 2034: 'ASS_PropProtectMode' 2035: 'ASS_PropProtectAllowAdmins' 2036: 'ServerTime' 2037: 'ServerDate' 2038: 'UserGroup' 2039: 'ASS_UniqueID' 2040: 'ASS_AssID' 2041: 'ASS_isAdmin' 2042: 'predicted_viewmodel' 2043: 'ASS_noclip' 2044: 'BGORagdollCreated' 2045: 'sent_anim' 2046: 'gmod_hands' 2047: 'scene_manager' Max Strings: 2048 Num Strings: 2048 Total String Bytes: 31410 Total Data Bytes: 0

willox commented 9 years ago

Well crap, I was hoping to find an addon that was generating a few hundred with some sort of loop. You've got a way to check out what addons are the largest problems now, though. Hopefully that'll help you solve it through addon removal, which is really the only choice.

I'm not sure why this stringtable is given such a short maximum length compared to the others.

Skock commented 9 years ago

What is the usual maximum length for it? Well thanks anyways, I'll just delete them all and get the ones I really want now, The source engine can be strange some times.

robotboy655 commented 9 years ago

This pointed me to fixing https://github.com/garrynewman/garrysmod/commit/3ed3eaba1f32fbb3cb93fd95c9bee4e586de100e

Maybe there are something else bad in the original game itself. Those tool names should not be there either.

willox commented 9 years ago

Precached usermessage names?

robotboy655 commented 9 years ago

Alright, the tool names seem to be added by some addon or something, I dont have them on my end. But there's gotta be a better way of handling the properties.

willox commented 9 years ago

Sure, network the property name instead of an integer.

willox commented 9 years ago

The issue is due to an addon attempting to insert a 2049th entry in to a string table. This issue is #2049. It's a sign.