Open 60percentCaffeine opened 8 years ago
not just linux it doesnt work on SRCDS only in client.
Hello I don't want to load some entities on every map so I added simple check in few ents. if game.GetMap() == "x" then ent code here end
Since one update, everytime server starts or map changes console is full of: "Refusing to load something it is missing Type and Base keys!" This is usefull information but not in this case, so I tried to hide it using con_filter as I used to hide spam clientside.
In windows it is there: Tried everything, not working. In linux it's not even there: Unknown command "con_filter_enable"
Any fix for that :question:
Fix your entities that are causing those errors so that you don't have to filter them out.
That's not an option for most end users
It is when they are claiming to have added code to their own server. Those errors mean the entities aren't even being loaded which I would consider major and not something that should be filtered out.
Oh, yea if game.GetMap() == "x" then ent code here end
ain't gonna work.
Sounds more like a request to have the ability to prevent an entity from spawning via a hook, which can also fulfill
The error @michak89 is getting is not something I can see easily fixed on their end, the engine tries to spawn an entity, but gets what's essentially an empty file on load, which causes those errors,
They can use a conditional scripted_ents.Register instead. Looks uglier and you don't get the exact ENT file syntax, but it's still the best solution in the meantime.
I do understand what is going on with the error, just tried to hide this spam and found out that con_filter works only clientside. Anyway, thanks for help everyone :1st_place_medal:
I will try your idea @Kefta And @thegrb93, it's working 6 months like that. Spam in console (:/) but works.
This 3 concommands don't exists on Linux SRCDS: con_filter_enable con_filter_text con_filter_text_out