Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Add ScriptLoad hook #1467

Open Tripperful opened 4 years ago

Tripperful commented 4 years ago

This hook should be called every time any lua script is loaded/refreshed, not talking about RunString, just the regular lua files.

Script file path should be passed as an argument, and if the hook returns a string, this string is used as script content, instead of script file content.

What would this enable us to do:

ExtReMLapin commented 4 years ago

Oof, some drm guys gonna be pissed it it gets released.

Hook all function run

if function line == -1 then it means it's a file that you run

If the file path seems suspicious it means it's runstring

dump bytecode/change values in it and boom

Well you can kinda already do this anyway

ExtReMLapin commented 4 years ago

It's not a gmod hook, you can't really prevent a script from loading but you can hook files being loaded (after they were compiled to lua bytecode and called)


After the selected line on the link, it's code related to find runstring/compilestring code, modify it to fits your needs