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Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Call NetworkVarNotify functions AFTER variable is set #1743

Open WilliamVenner opened 3 years ago

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago


Because NetworkVarNotify is called before the actual variable (returned by the getter) is set, it is extremely tedious to do any "dynamic behaviour" inside one of these callbacks.

Instead, one has to store an internal variable, like self.m_VariableName with the new value, to call any functions of the entity that are NOT the NetworkVarNotify callback, but need the data that was changed.

I don't think changing this could break anything. If it does then it would make working with this x100 easier if "post-callbacks" were a separate feature.

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

You mean this? https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Entity:NetworkVarNotify

You do realize the callback has arguments for both new and old value?

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago


function ENT:MyVarChanged(name, oldVal, newVal)
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar() -- prints oldVal

function ENT:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar()
    print("Value of MyVar: " .. self:GetMyVar()) -- could print oldVal or newVal

function ENT:Touch() -- could be any event
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar() -- prints newVal


function ENT:MyVarChanged(name, oldVal, newVal)
    self.m_MyVar = newVal
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar() -- prints newVal

function ENT:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar()
    print("Value of MyVar: " .. self.m_MyVar) -- prints newVal

function ENT:Touch() -- could be any event
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar() -- prints newVal

This is not ideal

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago


robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

Solution by a sane person:

function ENT:MyVarChanged(name, oldVal, newVal)
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar( newVal )

function ENT:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar( var )
    print("Value of MyVar: " .. var ) -- prints newVal

function ENT:Touch()
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar( self:GetThatVariable() )
WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago

Does this look sane to you?

function ENT:MyVar1Changed(name, oldVal, newVal)
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVars(newVal, self:GetMyVar2(), self:GetMyVar3() )

function ENT:MyVar2Changed(name, oldVal, newVal)
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVars( self:GetMyVar1(), newVal, self:GetMyVar3() )

function ENT:MyVar3Changed(name, oldVal, newVal)
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVars( self:GetMyVar1(), self:GetMyVar2(), newVal )

function ENT:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVars( Var1, Var2, Var3 )
    print( Var1, Var2, Var3 )

function ENT:Touch()
    self:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVar( self:GetMyVar1(), self:GetMyVar2(), self:GetMyVar3() )


function ENT:SetupDataTables()
    ... blah ...

    self:NetworkVarNotify("MyVar1", self.SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVars)
    self:NetworkVarNotify("MyVar2", self.SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVars)
    self:NetworkVarNotify("MyVar3", self.SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVars)

function ENT:SomeArbritraryOperationThatUsesMyVars()
    print( self:MyVar1(), self:MyVar2(), self:MyVar3() )

function ENT:Touch()


robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

I see your point, but you know mine, and I can't just take I don't think changing this could break anything and change this behavior.

Your use case is also very rare.

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago

How about a third argument to NetworkVarNotify that gets called afterwards?

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

No, that's just stupid.

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago

But so is the current behaviour!

Your use case is also very rare.

Are you sure about that?


WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago


robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

I meant using multiple variables in 1 function/callback like in your second example, not using the callbacks by themselves.

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago

Those are using multiple variables in 1 function/callback.

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

I mean true, but they don't need to.

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago

But it would look pretty stupid if they did need to, hence why they don't.

You realize that https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod/blob/394ae745df8f8f353ea33c8780f012fc000f4f56/garrysmod/gamemodes/sandbox/entities/entities/edit_sun.lua#L53-L90 is an actual bug, right?

TiberiumFusion commented 3 years ago

Your use case is also very rare.

Since when is it rare to expect event-driven code to operate in a sane way that is consistent with the superior pattern established by mature & ubiquitous platforms? The primary reason a callback should fire before the event completes is to provide a chance to suppress it, which NetworkVarNotify does not provide. Reading the property before the value is updated can certainly be useful, but there is absolutely no good reason to provide a "preview" event while simultaneously lacking a "normal" event which is raised after the property is updated - elsewise it is a preview to nothing.

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

I swear you are trying your best to misunderstand what I wrote.

What I wrote was having 3 interdependent network variables in network callbacks is quire rare in my option. None of the examples above are interdependent. I did not say using network events is rare. Which means you can easily get away with my initial example in 99% of cases. Sorry if that didn't across as what I intended. Not that it matters.

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago

To be honest I would be happy with simply NetworkVarPostNotify

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

Made it call callbacks after the variable is set, lets see if this breaks shit.

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

And it breaks the default Lamp tool, which means it will break a bunch of mods as well.

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago

What's broken about it?

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod/blob/master/garrysmod/gamemodes/sandbox/entities/entities/gmod_lamp.lua#L132 https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod/blob/master/garrysmod/gamemodes/sandbox/entities/entities/gmod_lamp.lua#L87

Basically its core function breaks. I already fixed on Dev/x64 where NetworkVarNotify was changed, but this will most likely cause issues with other mods.

WilliamVenner commented 3 years ago

Guess we need a new function instead then.

meepen commented 3 years ago

The old and new variables passed to NetworkVarNotify are backwards. image

function ENT:NetworkVarNotifyCallback(name, old, new)
    print(name, old, new)
    if (old == new) then
    hook.Run("On" .. name .. "Change", old, new)
meepen commented 3 years ago

newest update seems to fix that

thegrb93 commented 3 years ago

This started happening after the Jan update I think.

[starfallex] addons/starfallex/lua/entities/starfall_hologram/cl_init.lua:28: bad argument #1 to 'Scale' (Vector expected, got nil)

Scale - [C]:-1 v - addons/starfallex/lua/entities/starfall_hologram/cl_init.lua:28

  1. CallProxies - lua/includes/extensions/entity.lua:265
  2. CallDTVarProxies - lua/includes/extensions/entity.lua:273
  3. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/entity.lua:171 (x96)


I'm guessing the newest update meepen mentioned already fixes it hopefully.

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

Let me know if it still happens on Monday or something, and make sure your server is up to date if it is on any beta branches.

Should give everyone enough time to get their clients updated on the Beta branches.

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

Had to reverse this change still, it just causes too many subtle issues with existing addons, my Lightsabers included.

And I do not like the idea of yet another function for something so simple, sigh...