Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Add Startup Argument to Specify mount.cfg Filename/Filepath #2168

Open Hazbelll opened 1 year ago

Hazbelll commented 1 year ago


Would it be possible to add a new startup argument that allows a server to specify a custom mount.cfg filename/filepath, relative to the cfg/ folder? A similar startup argument already exists for specifying a custom server.cfg location/name (+servercfgfile), so this could compliment it.

This could allow for server operators to better organise their server's unique source code/config files, separating them from what's shipped/default with the game.

Might also be worth changing the location of mountdepots.txt to match (Or have its own startup argument?). I'm not sure if this file needs modifying manually to suit a server's needs (It gets auto-generated based on the contents of mount.cfg I believe?), but worth bearing in mind anyway since the two are somewhat linked.