Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
86 stars 24 forks source link

Bind NPC:GetGoalPos, NPC:GetGoalTarget, NPC:CurWaypointIsGoal, NPC:GetGoalType, NPC:SetGoalType, GOALTYPE_* enums to Lua #2177

Closed DrVrej closed 1 year ago

DrVrej commented 1 year ago


Couple of important self explanatory navigation functions and a set of enums for 2 of them:

robotboy655 commented 1 year ago

I added all functions except for GoalType stuff. I feel like it's too low level to expose, NavSetGoalTarget sets the goal type appropriately. I think it would be more logical to have more functions that generate a path and set the goal type appropriately.

DrVrej commented 1 year ago

I added all functions except for GoalType stuff. I feel like it's too low level to expose, NavSetGoalTarget sets the goal type appropriately. I think it would be more logical to have more functions that generate a path and set the goal type appropriately.

Thank you for adding the other ones! As for GoalType, I primarily need GetGoalType, it would greatly help custom tasks and certain parts of the AI. The enum binding can be skipped too, the return number will be sufficient. Thank you!

robotboy655 commented 1 year ago

Alright, added NPC:GetCurGoalType