Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Add support for effectName "Impact"'s flags #2272

Closed AirRice closed 10 months ago

AirRice commented 10 months ago


When using util.Effect with the effectName "Impact", the engine-defined flags for the effect do not seem to do anything when supplied as flags in the CEffectData through :SetFlags(). Specifically, 0x1 should be IMPACT_NODECAL and prevent the hitmaterial-based decal from being drawn, but the decal is still drawn even when the flag is supplied.

Allowing the flag would let, for example, weapons use custom impact decals while still performing the other impact FX (specks and dust on impact, the sound, etc)

robotboy655 commented 10 months ago

Those flags are used internally only, "Impact" effect does not use any flags.

I have added another effect called Impact_GMOD that will do this. A separate effect to avoid issues with existing addons, especially considering EffectData() does not reset its internal data.