Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Up LAST_SHARED_ACTIVITY to 4096 (or 3000) #2368

Closed Jaffies closed 2 months ago

Jaffies commented 2 months ago

Basically, you can't use CalcMainActivity, AnimRestartGesture, TranslateActivity for all activities that are above 2045. This includes several animations for citizens. Their "unique" animations, their ar2 animations and etc. Up that number so that animations would be able to be played without a hack with AddVCDSequence()

robotboy655 commented 2 months ago

But this wouldn't do anything? The value of LAST_SHAREDACTIVITY is automatically generated based on the amount of ACT enums built into the game.

Jaffies commented 2 months ago

But this wouldn't do anything? The value of LAST_SHAREDACTIVITY is automatically generated based on the amount of ACT enums built into the game.

Then just upper the limit of all acceptable ACT's to a higher count, so that you would be able to perform ACT_CIT_HEAL (which is 2057 iirc)

robotboy655 commented 2 months ago

Not sure what you mean by that. All ACT_ enums are usable by default. There are no limits. ACT_CIT_HEAL is not a shared activity (it's a private one), it does not have an ACT_ enum value.

This is basically a duplicate of https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod-requests/issues/121

robotboy655 commented 2 months ago

Added the following functions: util.GetActivityNameByID util.GetActivityIDByName

They should enable you to do what you wish, I think?