Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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SV OnLuaError for client errors #2371

Open wrefgtzweve opened 2 months ago

wrefgtzweve commented 2 months ago


https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/GM:OnLuaError doesn't currently pass CL errors on SV Having some kind of OnClientLuaError on SV would be incredibly useful for custom error logging tools, the errors are already being networked and ratelimited so it should be pretty safe to add. It understandably wouldnt have the full stack like GM:OnLuaError but that's fine, just having the stacktrace like regular would be great.

TeddiO commented 2 months ago

Native support would be neat, but https://github.com/danielga/gm_luaerror might help you out.