Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Add PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity for entities #2397

Open TheMostUpset opened 4 weeks ago

TheMostUpset commented 4 weeks ago

Lua entities can't touch hitboxes without hacky ways like checking trace every tick, but engine entities like HL2 or HL1 rocket actually can, and I guess this is where it being set: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/blob/master/sp/src/game/server/hl2/weapon_rpg.cpp#L191 Please add same thing for lua entities, so SOLID_BBOX ones would be able to detect hitboxes on touch.

RandomCatDude commented 1 week ago

I'm developing an addon that requires faithfully replicating alot of HL2 behaviour and I just ran into this while replicating the crossbow bolt. would extremely appreciate having access to this.