Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Allow "Talker" files to the workshop? #2400

Closed ALIEN31ITA closed 1 week ago

ALIEN31ITA commented 3 weeks ago

the files used by NPC's for response's and concepts (or update the one's in the sourceengine folder, with the episodic ones)?? or is there any reason in particular they are excluded?

szymski commented 2 weeks ago

Don't they work if you mount episodic content?

robotboy655 commented 1 week ago

Episodic stuff is already included with the game.

I have re-checked everything, I think it was incomplete before, but should be better on x86-64 beta soon.

You can see changes here: https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod/commit/308426c94f0fa9b2ffd1d60ad30da092a1cbaa5a

If your point was just episodic talker files, I am going to close this since they are already shipped with the game. If you still think you need access to this on workshop, do let me know, preferably with some kind of example as to why.