Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
83 stars 24 forks source link

Allow custom main menus for gamemodes #2403

Closed NostalgicLorikeet closed 2 weeks ago

NostalgicLorikeet commented 2 weeks ago


Could be implemented using custom HTML, for example. Some problems could be with security issues or making sure the custom menu doesn't break functionality. Another option could be customizing CSS for the menu.

garryspins commented 2 weeks ago

You can make your own main menus without needing to just alter HTML, you can rewrite them nearly entirely from the ground up in lua on the client. Having the ability to control when the main menu is opened/closed would be fantastic, we already can stop it from opening entirely, calling a hook to allow it to open couldnt hurt a single thing.

robotboy655 commented 2 weeks ago
