Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Increase the number of active text channels for game_text #2405

Closed Battlefieldkille closed 2 weeks ago

Battlefieldkille commented 2 weeks ago

I'll start off by saying that not that many people use game_text let alone to the extent that I do, so I understand if this gets denied. Me and my friend use this entity primarily for "story/adventure" maps, npcs "speaking" or events being announced are some examples. Currently, Hammer Editor provides 4 text channels to use which means 4 texts can be displayed on the screen at once, but by turning off SmartEdit you can add 2 extra unused channels, that means 6 game_texts can be on the screen at once.

So, lets say you already have 6 text channels active at the same time, if you want to have a 7th channel, its activation will replace the 1st channel, the 8th channel would replace the 2nd and so on... I had 6 text channels used as "map announcements" for a special event happening or for an important info for the players, this became a problem once I wanted to add a 7th channel and I needed those texts to be displayed on the screen all at once.

gametext.zip ^ A map where you can use buttons to activate up to 18 game_texts with each one having a special channel number.

robotboy655 commented 2 weeks ago


255 should be enough for you. This will be available on x86-64 beta today, in the next update whenever that releases.

Please test it and report any issues.

Battlefieldkille commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for adding this. Tested all 256 channels and nothing seems to be broken. showcase gametextnew.zip ^ Test map with all 256 channels, if anyone needs it.

Battlefieldkille commented 1 week ago

Hey Rubat, question, recent update limited the text Hold Time to 300sec (5min). I use those specific texts as hints as to where the player needs to go/what the player needs to do in the map. Some players recently got confused on how to progress due to the text disappearing early and it is a somewhat big map, would there be a chance of increasing that limit to 1800sec (30min)? Upon completing whatever task the player is given, the text itself gets cleared by another text that holds the same channel. I understand if this gets denied, thanks.

robotboy655 commented 1 week ago

Bumped the limit to 3600.