Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Use CS:GO's DecodeFloat/EncodeFloat for DT vars #2408

Open homonovus opened 2 weeks ago

homonovus commented 2 weeks ago


CS:GO's DecodeFloat checks the flags of the SendProp and switches to a higher number of bits to read the entity's position It would be nice for the same to be done for players, so we don't get prediction errors from bumping into a stationary player

homonovus commented 2 weeks ago

Some relevant links https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-cstrike15_src/blob/master/engine/dt_encode.cpp#L24-L80 https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-cstrike15_src/blob/master/tier1/bitbuf.cpp#L691-L716