Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Add more building tools #402

Closed JoeySkylynx closed 9 years ago

JoeySkylynx commented 9 years ago

Every so often, I decided to redownload Garry's Mod, in order to just speed it up or to get rid of old files. Now when I do this, I tend to boot up singleplayer and screw around in Sandbox, and it has occurred to me that Garry's Mod is in dire need for some serious updates in regards to the currently non-vanilla build tools that is practically found on every server that has sandbox as the derivative gamemode.

In order to mention a few...

" Buoyancy Tool " - This tool does exactly what it says in the name. It's used in order to give props similar properties to the blue barrel props in Useful Construction. Quiet helpful for building boats!

" Weight Tool" - Holy fuck... Why is this not vanilla yet? Weight tool is a tool that allows players to update the weight of props in order to make stable contraptions or to make things less heavy for means of parenting.

" Fin Tool " - The Fin tool was something that was provided with PHX 3, when we were still in Garry's Mod 11. The usefulness of this tool cannot go without saying. It can be used to create aircraft that actually act like aircraft. I would recommend creating a Fin tool which includes some sort of VGUI aid in order to help players understand where exactly their fins are being effected as the current PHX version doesn't do so, and the versions used by really advanced build servers is sorta within a click of server owners that happen to be friends.

" Smart Snap " - HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT ADDED YET? Seriously, what the hell guys? This is the most helpful tool found in multiplayer that is literally on every Garry's Mod server, but for some reason has yet to be implemented into vanilla. Adding this will allow builders to make more precise movements of props, as well as increase the stability of certain features in contraptions.

" Precision Alignment " - A tool created by Wenli back in 2009, it has found it's way into the hearts of every builder in Garry's Mod. Not only is this tool by far the best tool in existence regarding ease of use, and ease of construction... But it also allows for the user to have helpful features like mirroring, ballsockets not directly mounted to props, and props that are connected so perfectly that you cannot even fit a razorblade into it. Precision Alignment is something that should of been added to GMod with the switchover to GMod 13, and now it's just something that has been on the backburner for far to long. Please add this system for the sake of every builders sanity.

" Ballsocket Advanced and Axis Advanced " - IIRC, this is already in Precision Alignment, but for the most part, the current Ballsocket and Axis tools need to be changed out for these. Not only does it allow for standalone constraints, but it also allows for a much more wider variety of XYZ constraints, allows the user to do Easy Precision type ghosting before moving to another prop, and is just an all around improvement to the currently provided tools.

" Advanced Duplicator 2 " - Please... Please.... Get rid of the normal duplicator and the Workshop connection to "saved contraptions" not only does it cause massive amounts of lag when spawning something from the workshop, but it also causes the workshop to be flooded with "NUDE ALYX" and "BREEN KILL MISSIONS" it's just terrible, and destroys the point of having a system for saving files. Now onto the real reason I mentioned this. Advanced Duplicator 2, is without a doubt an all around improvement to the standard duplicator tool, and it ensures the safety of the users constructs by having it so that all constructs remain on the user's computer and are never put into a server savefolder. It also only shows preview images on the client rather then the server, meaning less lag and all. Get rid of the current Duplicator and Workshop Duplications, and replace it with Advanced Duplicator 2. No more lag, no more workshop spam, better all around user interaction.

" Wiremod " - Yes this is a pipedream, but Wiremod has been recently recoded from the ground up, and it's one of those tools that without a doubt needs to be quickly looked into. This has been one of those "must have" addons for build servers for a very long time, and it's backed by several very well respected coders in the Garry's Mod community. By turning this into a vanilla addon, we are always guaranteed constant support and fixing by the Wiremod Dev Team, and Garry's Mod would have a vanilla feature that'd drastically increase the functionality of the game. Contraptions would get bigger and more advanced, players would have more fun playing the game, and we'd be able to finally have the a pod controller system that wouldn't require the use of keyboard keys that are not being used!

I know a lot of these things are pipedreamish, but all of them deserve a place in GMod Vanilla, they have created a vast and much more interesting experience in Garry's Mod, and with them added, we'd free up space for more players to take over and create even greater experiences in GMod.

Tenrys commented 9 years ago

Hey it won't happen because Garry will judge it too complicated for new players. (lol)

I have never used Precision Alignment, I'll have to take a look at that. The normal Precision tool is nice too, why not recommend it? Or maybe Precision Alignment already does all kinds of stuff Precision does.

Good idea.

On 22/01/2015 10:20, JoeySkylynx wrote:

Every so often, I decided to redownload Garry's Mod, in order to just speed it up or to get rid of old files. Now when I do this, I tend to boot up singleplayer and screw around in Sandbox, and it has occurred to me that Garry's Mod is in dire need for some serious updates in regards to the currently non-vanilla build tools that is practically found on every server that has sandbox as the derivative gamemode.

In order to mention a few...

" Buoyancy Tool " - This tool does exactly what it says in the name. It's used in order to give props similar properties to the blue barrel props in Useful Construction. Quiet helpful for building boats!

" Weight Tool" - Holy fuck... Why is this not vanilla yet? Weight tool is a tool that allows players to update the weight of props in order to make stable contraptions or to make things less heavy for means of parenting.

" Fin Tool " - The Fin tool was something that was provided with PHX 3, when we were still in Garry's Mod 11. The usefulness of this tool cannot go without saying. It can be used to create aircraft that actually act like aircraft. I would recommend creating a Fin tool which includes some sort of VGUI aid in order to help players understand where exactly their fins are being effected as the current PHX version doesn't do so, and the versions used by really advanced build servers is sorta within a click of server owners that happen to be friends.

" Smart Snap " - HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT ADDED YET? Seriously, what the hell guys? This is the most helpful tool found in multiplayer that is literally on every Garry's Mod server, but for some reason has yet to be implemented into vanilla. Adding this will allow builders to make more precise movements of props, as well as increase the stability of certain features in contraptions.

" Precision Alignment " - A tool created by Wenli back in 2009, it has found it's way into the hearts of every builder in Garry's Mod. Not only is this tool by far the best tool in existence regarding ease of use, and ease of construction... But it also allows for the user to have helpful features like mirroring, ballsockets not directly mounted to props, and props that are connected so perfectly that you cannot even fit a razorblade into it. Precision Alignment is something that should of been added to GMod with the switchover to GMod 13, and now it's just something that has been on the backburner for far to long. Please add this system for the sake of every builders sanity.

" Ballsocket Advanced and Axis Advanced " - IIRC, this is already in Precision Alignment, but for the most part, the current Ballsocket and Axis tools need to be changed out for these. Not only does it allow for standalone constraints, but it also allows for a much more wider variety of XYZ constraints, allows the user to do Easy Precision type ghosting before moving to another prop, and is just an all around improvement to the currently provided tools.

" Advanced Duplicator 2 " - Please... Please.... Get rid of the normal duplicator and the Workshop connection to "saved contraptions" not only does it cause massive amounts of lag when spawning something from the workshop, but it also causes the workshop to be flooded with "NUDE ALYX" and "BREEN KILL MISSIONS" it's just terrible, and destroys the point of having a system for saving files. Now onto the real reason I mentioned this. Advanced Duplicator 2, is without a doubt an all around improvement to the standard duplicator tool, and it ensures the safety of the users constructs by having it so that all constructs remain on the user's computer and are never put into a server savefolder. It also only shows preview images on the client rather then the server, meaning less lag and all. Get rid of the current Duplicator and Workshop Duplications, and replace it with Advanced Duplicator 2. No more lag, no more workshop spam, better all around user interaction.

" Wiremod " - Yes this is a pipedream, but Wiremod has been recently recoded from the ground up, and it's one of those tools that without a doubt needs to be quickly looked into. This has been one of those "must have" addons for build servers for a very long time, and it's backed by several very well respected coders in the Garry's Mod community. By turning this into a vanilla addon, we are always guaranteed constant support and fixing by the Wiremod Dev Team, and Garry's Mod would have a vanilla feature that'd drastically increase the functionality of the game. Contraptions would get bigger and more advanced, players would have more fun playing the game, and we'd be able to finally have the a pod controller system that wouldn't require the use of keyboard keys that are not being used!

I know a lot of these things are pipedreamish, but all of them deserve a place in GMod Vanilla, they have created a vast and much more interesting experience in Garry's Mod, and with them added, we'd free up space for more players to take over and create even greater experiences in GMod.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod-requests/issues/402.

Cynosphere commented 9 years ago

I understand Stacker is abusable, but it's useful for building and really should be added.

Also, I think a lot of the default tools should have either advanced options or a way to set them that way, and possibly a center mode.

neico commented 9 years ago

@Tenrys Too bad for you that it's not garry who's maintaining GMod now, he's busy with Rust.

Though I still don't think that those will be added to GMod. At least not in the near future, there's still other things with higher priority then this...

But who knows, I'd welcome wiremod, advanced duplicator, weight tool and smart snap as a default option at least~

Donkie commented 9 years ago

@neico It's still Garry's game and he has the final say, he can and will poke his nose in here and you never know when.

Kefta commented 9 years ago

@Donkie it'll still probably still be up to _Kilburn unless Garry steps in, which the last time that happened was when someone tried to delete his HTML menu. I wish Adv Dupe 2 and Wiremod would be added, but that will probably never happen for many reasons. I think the rest would be great additions, granted the stacker tool is fixed/constrained greatly.

oNyaaaa commented 9 years ago

Not to be funny but i don't want to download wiremod just to play garrysmod, i'd rather not have it on my server either..

Kefta commented 9 years ago

@Nyaaaa It wouldn't affect download times at all, and you can restrict it just like any other tool

oNyaaaa commented 9 years ago

@Kefta I didn't say download times, It should be an seperate addon not one that comes with gmod, It should stay how it's vanilla with no extra addons a few stools would be nice but wiremod? No, PS, Learn to read, and take your time to comment.

Kefta commented 9 years ago

@Nyaaaa I know that it couldn't happen since wiremod devs probably wouldn't want it merged.

I read your comment, you said: "but i don't want to download wiremod just to play garrysmod." The only thing that could possibly refer to is download times; it doesn't affect your download in any other way. Also, if servers have the option to restrict it like any other tool, it wouldn't affect your idea of "vanilla" at all.

oNyaaaa commented 9 years ago

@Kefta Okay while you're at it you may aswell add everything from facepunch into garrysmod, instead of letting the users decide what they want in it not to fill up their hard drive with crap they don't want..

And i was referring download to "SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE" <- Try not to miss that it's very important "rather than your brain of just downloading" I've got more important things to add to my hard drive then just gmod..

Kefta commented 9 years ago

@Nyaaaa How about we add every addon that's the most popular addon in GMod, has its own programming language, and has been updating for almost 3+ years? Oh, wait, that's still just Wiremod.

Let's compare sizes. Wiremod: http://puu.sh/eYKpV/173e9bfb66.png Garry's Mod: http://puu.sh/eYKQz/dd91bfcfcc.png + http://puu.sh/eYKU1/8987045268.png

That's a very negligible difference: Wiremod would add about 1/35 size of Garry's Mod without any custom addons or files.

oNyaaaa commented 9 years ago

@Kefta Still it'll add on more GB's / MB's to the garrysmod itself, I'd rather save 93.2 mb's for other stuff, You have your opinion, I have my opinion, You agree with it i disagree with it!

JoeySkylynx commented 9 years ago

One TB Harddrives literally sell for $40 now... Why exactly is 93.2mbs a horrifying thing?

Lexicality commented 9 years ago

Laptops exist and tend to have small hard drives that are hard to replace.

j-mie commented 9 years ago

Surely a semi-decent solution would be that on first launch it would show a dialog saying something along the lines of: "yo, do you want to enhance your experience and get more shit for the game" and then if they say yes subscribe them to the addons on the workshop.

JoeySkylynx commented 9 years ago

Or we post a simple message of, "Upgrade your bloody computer"

UselessGhost commented 9 years ago

+1 for weight, fin, buoyancy, and smartsnap. -1 for everything else.

wiremod is a mass of very messy code that requires constant maintenance and constantly has glaring exploits found in it, mostly in e2. advdupe seems unnecessarily complicated compared to the current dupe tool, redundant almost. ballsocket advanced was removed almost entirely for being exploitable (noclipping props with the world, for example)

oNyaaaa commented 9 years ago

@UselessGhost +1 at least you have common sense unlike the idiots above you.