Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Add methods for controlling "3D Voice" distances #511

Open Donkie opened 9 years ago

Donkie commented 9 years ago

If you return true on the second return argument in PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice you can enable something called 3D Voice Radius or Proximity Voice or whatever.

It's a really cool feature and features a lot of realism in RP gamemodes, but currently you can't edit the fade distances at all which is pretty annoying.

I'm pretty sure this can't be very difficult to implement, should only be a matter of finding the relevant code.

For my usage, these methods doesn't have to be per-player, but it'd always be a plus I guess.

Kefta commented 7 years ago

Just ran into this today - would be very nice to have a third return value for the fade dist, or even more expansive controls.

ExtReMLapin commented 5 years ago

Agree on this, i wanted to work on a more realistic voice system for RP gamemodes, like voice being reduced when hitting walls etc

Also : https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Dsp_presets

would be top notch

robotboy655 commented 3 years ago

As far as I can tell there is no concept of "distance" for sounds in the entire engine. It seems to be all tied to the soundlevel system. (https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/SNDLVL)