Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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Server list: Search across gamemodes #915

Open DarthTealc opened 7 years ago

DarthTealc commented 7 years ago

Could the server list please have a way to search across all gamemodes? For example if I type "spacebuild" have it come up with all servers running a "spacebuild" gamemode but also all servers with "spacebuild" in the server name or map name (which could be running as "sandbox" or another gamemode)

DirkyJerky commented 7 years ago

That sounds like it would create a lot more inconvenience than it would fix.

JustinCase224 commented 7 years ago

Wait i am confused, do you mean like ingame mods that are running on a server?

Kefta commented 7 years ago

He's asking for the search to include gamemodes, server names, and map names. In my opinion, an advanced search option should be added where you can toggle these options.