Fachschaft07 / Guide7

App providing comfortable access to student services of the computer science department (07) of the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
MIT License
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Continuous delivery to play store #35

Closed bennyboer closed 5 years ago

bennyboer commented 5 years ago

It would be cool to provide continuous delivery to the play store via Travis builds. This means that releases will automatically be delivered via the Google Play Store API to the Google Play Store on push to a specific branch (like alpha for alpha releases, beta for beta releases and master for production releases).

bennyboer commented 5 years ago

Note that production releases only make sense if the app has more or at least an equal amount of features like the old Guide7 client has.

bennyboer commented 5 years ago

Release APKs are now pushed to GitHub in case the commit is tagged.

The next part is to publish the APK to Google Play services: I will follow this tutorial: http://crazyhitty.com/articles/2018-03/automating-google-play-publishing-part4

bennyboer commented 5 years ago

Now when pushing to alpha, beta or stable branch the APKs will be automatically uploaded to google play alpha, beta or production channel.