Fachschaft07 / Guide7

App providing comfortable access to student services of the computer science department (07) of the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
MIT License
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Weekplan Android Widget #72

Closed bennyboer closed 5 years ago

bennyboer commented 5 years ago

The old app had an android widget which displayed the week plan events for the current day. To ensure that people won't miss it after the release we should provide it.

bennyboer commented 5 years ago

An idea would be to use the week plan background task to refresh a file or JSON written in the apps shared preferences so that the Widget code only uses the file and Android code does not have to use the SQLite database (We could easily forget that the Android widget is using the database as well!).

bennyboer commented 5 years ago

It is currently pretty complicated to realize that with flutter because you would have to execute dart from the Android widgets code. Thus I am going to close this.