FacilMap / facilmap

FacilMap is a privacy-friendly, open-source versatile online map that combines different services based on OpenStreetMap and makes it easy to find places, plan trips and add markers, lines and routes to custom maps with live collaboration.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Http query for lon and lat coordinates... #81

Closed sznattila closed 6 years ago

sznattila commented 6 years ago

Hi, is there a way to query for long and lat coords via http? the idea is this: google sheets =importhtml(url,"table",1) gives me the lat and long in a 1 row 2column table, or importdata(url) gives me a csv list of the coordinates.

Is this possible?

cdauth commented 6 years ago

I’m not sure what exactly you want to do. The lat/lon coords of what?

You can get the data of a FacilMap by HTTP as GeoJSON (https://facilmap.org/xyz/geojson) or GPX (https://facilmap.org/xzy/gpx), which are both machine-readable formats (JSON/XML).

sznattila commented 6 years ago

Hi, Sorry for not being clear enough I want to get the lat/lon coords of an address. So how do I formulate a http address to facilmap which includes a geographical address to get the coordinates?

cdauth commented 6 years ago

FacilMap is itself using an external service, Nominatim (the OpenStreetMap search engine) to resolve addresses. If you want to get coordinates for an address, use Nominatim directly. The documentation is here, and example would be http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search/Friedrichstr.%20100,%20Berlin?format=json

Does this answer your question?

sznattila commented 6 years ago

Thank you.