3D files that are embedded within a cell file (within an Embedded File primitive) currently cause cell file parsing to fail.
The primary reason for this is the lack of third-party 3D file loaders (specifically, for Open Inventor, VRML 1.0 and VRML 97 3D file formats within JavaFX/ScalaFX).
When such loaders become available, these embedded files should be processed and included as part of the cell scene.
3D files that are embedded within a cell file (within an Embedded File primitive) currently cause cell file parsing to fail.
The primary reason for this is the lack of third-party 3D file loaders (specifically, for Open Inventor, VRML 1.0 and VRML 97 3D file formats within JavaFX/ScalaFX).
When such loaders become available, these embedded files should be processed and included as part of the cell scene.