FacticiusVir / SharpVk

C# Bindings for the Vulkan API & SPIR-V
MIT License
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Vertex buffer and uniform buffer crashing #36

Closed greenmughal closed 6 years ago

greenmughal commented 6 years ago

Without any exception? On 2nd frame... how to increase error detection?

realvictorprm commented 6 years ago

Can you provide more information? I'm sure you already enabled all validation layers of Vulkan?

greenmughal commented 6 years ago

How to enable all validation layers in these 2 examples?

realvictorprm commented 6 years ago

which examples?

greenmughal commented 6 years ago

Uniform buffer sample and index buffer sample

FacticiusVir commented 6 years ago

Hey! Thanks for trying the samples. Can I ask what OS, framework (e.g. .NET 4.6, Mono, et cetera) and what graphics card(s) you're running on?

Both of those samples have standard validation checks enabled, so any additional errors should be logged to Debug output - you can modify this line if you want to output to other logging. You can also modify the list of debug flags to include information or debug, which should help isolate the line that's crashing.

greenmughal commented 6 years ago

Failed to find vkGetDeviceProcAddr in layer nvoglv32.dll Is this line responsible? InfoLog-PasteBin

My Card is Nvidia 920M Laptop graphics card. I can run above 90% Vulkan C++ Samples.

FacticiusVir commented 6 years ago

I've seen some problems occur with nvoglv32.dll and older versions of the Vulkan SDK - do you have the latest SDK ( installed?

greenmughal commented 6 years ago

Wait let me try updating all nvidia, vulkan sdk and drivers...

greenmughal commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, it was drivers...

FacticiusVir commented 6 years ago

No worries, glad that fixed it! Will also look at adding some more pro-active version & DLL checks in the instance/device start-up, to give more helpful feedback.