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make list of attack vectors #904

Closed drobertbaker closed 8 years ago

drobertbaker commented 9 years ago

Create list of attack vectors that Factom will be subject to, to aid in testing

n1rvana commented 8 years ago
  1. DDOS -- hitting all the federated servers with bogus transactions/packets
  2. P2P -- Pretending to be a real peer in the peer 2 peer network but generating false info
  3. BGIP -- Attacking the network infrastructure directly (overflow attacks, BGIP specific DDOS attacks) -- this is mostly an issue if the federated servers are on the same network/cloud platform

These are the ones I can think of off hand. Robert, do you have more context? I would suggest this task next be assigned to Brian for input.

drobertbaker commented 8 years ago