Open dirtyvagabond opened 12 years ago
Hey @dirtyvagabond, is there any schedule to update this library?
I'm having a problem on clojure 1.7, and the dependencies are pretty far out of date that they cause compatibility problems. I'm excited to integrate Factual into my project, but this is a roadblock :crying_cat_face:
WARNING: update already refers to: #'clojure.core/update in namespace: clj-http.client, being replaced by: #'clj-http.client/update
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to call unbound fn: #'clj-http.client/update
at clojure.lang.Var$Unbound.throwArity(
at clojure.lang.AFn.invoke(
at clj_http.client$wrap_decompression$fn__1593.invoke(client.clj:214)
at clj_http.client$wrap_input_coercion$fn__1651.invoke(client.clj:344)
at clj_http.client$wrap_additional_header_parsing$fn__1672.invoke(client.clj:387)
at clj_http.client$wrap_output_coercion$fn__1642.invoke(client.clj:298)
at clj_http.client$wrap_exceptions$fn__1554.invoke(client.clj:118)
at clj_http.client$wrap_accept$fn__1682.invoke(client.clj:415)
at clj_http.client$wrap_accept_encoding$fn__1688.invoke(client.clj:429)
at clj_http.client$wrap_content_type$fn__1677.invoke(client.clj:404)
at clj_http.client$wrap_form_params$fn__1726.invoke(client.clj:516)
at clj_http.client$wrap_nested_params$fn__1744.invoke(client.clj:540)
at clj_http.client$wrap_method$fn__1721.invoke(client.clj:499)
at clj_http.cookies$wrap_cookies$fn__55.invoke(cookies.clj:118)
at clj_http.links$wrap_links$fn__85.invoke(links.clj:50)
at clj_http.client$wrap_unknown_host$fn__1753.invoke(client.clj:559)
at oauth.util$wrap_content_type$fn__2436.invoke(util.clj:168)
at oauth.v1$wrap_oauth_authorization$fn__2518.invoke(v1.clj:88)
at oauth.v1$wrap_oauth_signature$fn__2529.invoke(v1.clj:109)
at clj_http.client$wrap_url$fn__1748.invoke(client.clj:550)
at oauth.v1$wrap_oauth_defaults$fn__2524.invoke(v1.clj:101)
at factual.api$execute_request.invoke(api.clj:162)
at factual.api$fn__2618.invoke(api.clj:234)
lein deps :tree
[factual/factual-clojure-driver "1.5.2" :exclusions [[org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient] [org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore]]]
[factual/sosueme "0.0.15"]
[clj-yaml "0.4.0"]
[org.yaml/snakeyaml "1.5"]
[fs "1.3.2"]
[org.apache.commons/commons-compress "1.3"]
[mavericklou/oauth-clj ""]
[clj-http "0.7.0"]
[crouton "0.1.1"]
[org.jsoup/jsoup "1.7.1"]
[org.apache.httpcomponents/httpmime "4.2.2"]
[inflections "0.8.0"]
Thanks @sundbry! Any chance you'd like to take a shot at this and serve up a pull request?
Hey, I was eager to get Factual integrated so I just spent a few hours reimplementing (fetch) for my application following the API docs online. It did not take a lot of code, the hardest part was getting OAuth to work since the libraries out there do not support 0-legged auth very much.
My project is using http-kit (better async API) instead of clj-http and the code is tied into my application framework, so it doesn't perfectly fit into this driver. I also wanted to avoid using the global initialization/parameters so probably just gonna keep using my new code. I could port it all over though if it might score a deal on a paid license :page_facing_up: :smiling_imp:
Thanks for providing this driver though in any case.
@sundbry if you're willing to field a usable and better version of the driver, we'd be willing to at least talk turkey! cc @BradleyFactual