Factual / factual-clojure-driver

Officially supported Clojure driver for Factual's API.
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Feature/dcj fixes #8

Closed dcj closed 11 years ago

dcj commented 11 years ago

Here are some fixes to to the code that allows it to actually work, kinda.

lein test


Ran 10 tests containing 23 assertions. 3 failures, 3 errors. Tests failed.

dcj commented 11 years ago

I know it is a kinda cheesy to use snapshot releases, but experimentally, I changed the oauth-clj dependency to use the latest, then I was also able to update clj-http to the latest.

mavericklou commented 11 years ago

@dcj We found an issue when upgrade oauth-clj from 0.0.5 to latest 0.1.4. Ticket is here https://github.com/r0man/oauth-clj/issues/9

I forked oauth-clj and put a fix into it and released Now you can be free to use factual-clojure-driver 1.5.0. It's pushed to clojars. And soon I will push a new version of factql to clojars as well.

I think so far all you issues are closed. So I will close this pull request