FaddysWorkshop / Scenarist

For writing playable scenarios
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Work with ChatGPT on riting a definition for Faddy's Scenarist #2

Open faddymichel opened 7 months ago

faddymichel commented 7 months ago

Here's the conversation with ChatGPT:


faddymichel commented 7 months ago

Here's the conversation with ChatGPT:


faddymichel commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the additional details. Here's the revised definition incorporating your explanation:

Faddy's Scenarist is a flexible, scenario-based JavaScript framework, designed to be compatible with various JavaScript runtime environments. Its development in vanilla JavaScript makes it adaptable for diverse platforms, broadening its application scope.

The essence of Scenarist lies in its ability to implement scenarios, ranging from simple to complex. These scenarios consist of 'directions', which are specific actions or sequences within the framework. Scenarist's central function, the 'Scenarist' function, processes these scenarios and enables the execution of these directions.

To activate a direction, the 'play' function is used, where a direction is triggered by passing its name as the first parameter. The recursive nature of Scenarist becomes evident here: if the direction is a scenario itself, this contained scenario is played. Further, to execute a direction within this nested scenario, its name is passed as the second parameter to the play function. This process can be repeated, delving deeper into nested scenarios, with each level requiring an additional parameter in the play function to access its directions.

This structure allows for intricate, multi-layered interactions and functionalities within an application, offering developers the flexibility to create complex, nested scenarios. Scenarist's design empowers developers to script and manage a wide range of application processes and behaviors, leveraging its recursive capabilities for depth and complexity in functionality.