FadedLocks702 / homework-landingpage02

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Feedback on assignment 4 #3

Open barryross opened 7 years ago

barryross commented 7 years ago

FEWD Week #4 Project: JavaScript Basics


The team from Relaxr is back...again! They want their page to be more interactive and asked you to add JavaScript to their source code. You've been given the HTML and CSS but will need to create a JavaScript file and add a few different pieces of interactivity: Users should be able to click a link and have the remainder of the blog articles' content slide down and appear on the page; users should also be able hide the content when they are finished reading. See a detailed technical explanation below.

Student: Christian Contaoi

Project URL:https://github.com/FadedLocks702/homework-landingpage02

Technical Requirements Does Not Meet Expectations (0) Meets Expectations (1) Exceeds Expectations (2)
Prevent a page-refresh (when any of the "read more/read less" links are clicked) with the event.preventDefault() function n/a
Use the $.ready() handler to delay your code from executing until all DOM assets have been loaded x
Select the appropriate DOM elements with CSS selectors upon a user's click using the $.click() handler x
Have the text in the <p> tag (with id="first-read-more-text" ) slide down along with a "Read Less" link in the blog post using $.slideDown() and $.show() x
Hide the relevant "Read More" link using $.hide() x
Have the text in the <p> tag (with id="second-read-more-text") slide down along with a "Read Less" link in the blog post using $.slideDown() and $.show() x
Hide the relevant "Read More" link using $.hide() x
Have the <p> (with id="first-read-more-text") slide up and hide the "Read Less" link using $.slideUp() and $.hide() x
Show the relevant "Read More" link using $.show() x
Have the <p> (with id="second-read-more-text") slide up and hide the "Read Less" link using $.slideUp() and $.hide() x
Show the relevant "Read More" link using $.show() x
TOTAL: 19/20
barryross commented 7 years ago

Christian, awesome work on this assignment! You are doing some great things and I had a look at both of your approaches/solutions. Nice work exploring the use of $(this), toggleClass(), hasClass() etc!

I have put n/a for the event.preventDefault() requirement b/c that was there assuming the "read more" and "read less" "buttons" were links, although that in itself wasn't a requirement. So, it didn't make sense to me to grade that one.

For the .ready(), I left one mark off b/c we want to wrap all of our code inside of that event listener, I noticed only a portion of yours was contained.

Do you have any questions about when to use event.preventDefault()?

Please see inline comments for more info, and keep up the great work!