Fair-Squares / fair-square-app

Front end of the Fair square application
The Unlicense
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Front-end ticket #3

Open ilhanu opened 1 year ago

ilhanu commented 1 year ago

Front-end FS

For M5 we want to build a front-end that has most of the functionality for the FS blockchain. We cannot satisfy all of the features, hence we need decide on what we will build so end-users have most of the happy flows available to them.

The stack will be only substrate-node with a front-end reading and writing the state through the websocket. Before getting into all hosting and publishing related stuff we need to make sure locally it works. The hosting and publishing the website & connection with the websocket falls out of scope for M5.

We don't want to overcomplicate things at the moment, a simple flow for users to use the platform is the most important thing.


Starting page: Overview

Before all the overview page should work and should show the general information that is on the blockchain,but the user can't use anything because it didn't connect their wallet and maybe needs to pick a role, so everything is kind of grey, the same way staking dashboard is when your unconnected.

We should have a nice shiny button that wants to connect with the blockchain and ask for the connection of the wallet/extension (polkadot.js) that users have with generated keys. Our development chain will already have.

Pick a role view

When a has connected but the front-end notices that the account has no role, we need them to pick one. The page should show all of the roles available in our repo.

There should be a distinction between roles that need further verifcation and ones that dont. Users need to be notified about this. So they know what they are getting into when they pick a role and that further verification is needed.

needs verification don't need verification
seller,servicers,representative, notary investors, tentants

For further verification we need a page that lists for the verifier to verify the user. Nothing more at the moment than accepting or rejecting the user. These features will be at first with the keys for the team.

Dashboard / Overview

This is the landing page of all the users. It should show the general information about the Fair Squares blockchain.

Investors page

This page allows users to invest in the housing fund and to withdraw it's a very simple page that allows users to invest and withdraw. This page should also show how much the user has invested and how much they can withdraw.

If their capital is reserved for a house this should also be displayed, that means the funds that are reserved they cannot withdraw.

Sellers page

This page allows users to sell their house, the inputs are at the moment price (input with checks minimum and maximum price) and type of house (dropdown). Geolocation and other characteristics of a house will be added later.

Tentant Registry

Page for allowing users to register as tentants. The inputs: Name " ", contact "". maximum_rent: ""


Toolbox tries to cover the majority of stuff for servicers,representative, notary

ilhanu commented 1 year ago

This ticket is broken down in the issues following #4 , #5 , #6 , #7 , #8 , #9 , #10 This issues will be closed once this content is broken down further and well defined