FakeFishGames / Barotrauma

A 2D online multiplayer game taking place in a submarine travelling through the icy depths of Jupiter's moon Europa.
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Separatist / Coalition Vessel missions (destroying a submarine) is too easy, unless abyss #13104

Open JeroonBosch opened 7 months ago

JeroonBosch commented 7 months ago

Separatist / Coalition vessels very often are not in any shape to fight back by the time you encounter them. Monsters absolutely destroy them and sink them, often into the very bottom of the abyss.

Once they're at the bottom of the abyss, they're surviving (crush depth does not kill them because the abyss is too shallow) and so the mission becomes a "kill an abyss creature" mission instead (so it's actually worth the reward then, but not in the intended way).

  1. We need to check why AI-controlled vessels are that easily killed. Are bots lacking orders to man the guns? Are there too few gunners? Do they need stronger hulls (do they even have hull upgrades) scaling with difficulty? And then fix that issue
  2. We need to make the abyss lethal enough to kill the vessels so it doesn't always turn into an abyss diving mission (separate issue). Abyss monsters seemingly ignore AI vessels?
SomeRandomNoobKekeke commented 7 months ago

Actually, the mission becomes: hit them with a nuclear depth charge And if you make abyss deeper (10km like in dynamic europa) then, after eating a nuke, they will sink to 6km, recover and then slowly float up for an hour (only to eat another nuke) Abyss creatures seems to ignore them

ubertpendragon commented 7 months ago
1. We need to check why AI-controlled vessels are that easily killed. Are bots lacking orders to man the guns? Are there too few gunners? Do they need stronger hulls (do they even have hull upgrades) scaling with difficulty? And then fix that issue

AI used to be somewhat bugged but saw multiple improvements https://github.com/Regalis11/Barotrauma/issues/11273 https://github.com/Regalis11/Barotrauma/issues/11272 https://github.com/Regalis11/Barotrauma/issues/11269

Do pirate ships benefit from hull upgrades?

The biggest offender in PvP would be explosive coilgun ammunition, which shreds through everything in the game (everybody agrees on that point), including structures. Don't be afraid to make it less powerful

2. We need to make the abyss lethal enough to kill the vessels so it doesn't always turn into an abyss diving mission (separate issue)

We had a situation where the pirate sub sunk to the abyss beyond our own sub's crush depth, so we couldn't kill the pirates

Ek-Videogames commented 6 months ago

I think it's mostly some combination of too few gunners & inadequate defensive/support priorities against boarding.

LePiromano commented 5 months ago

Still too easy (unstable, so much so that they die to mudraptors before I get to them, they have only default ammunition loaded, bot captains don't know how to outmaneuver any enemy for advantage and bots don't aim for weakspots so when they come around armored enemies they stand no chance. A suggestion would be to make the pirate ships drive monsters away rather than being just another target

ubertpendragon commented 5 months ago

To elaborate:

Pirate "ambushes" like separatistattack1 spawn on top of a potential 2/3 missions which could be monster eliminations. So it's quite likely to end up having pirates and swarms spawn close to eachother, with pirates dying to said swarm.

I'm not even sure pirate gunners are manning the turrets before you trigger them

ubertpendragon commented 3 months ago

Another problem is the inefficient suit locker position on both Humpback and Typhon 2 pirate subs

Bots have to run all the way around the sub and back if they don't want to drown and might die before doing anything. Not having a suit easily available and also having to swim through pressure breaks their AI a bit

image image

ubertpendragon commented 3 months ago

2 Giant spinelings spawned on top of the pirate sub, sunk it, the crew scrambled for suits and left the guns, then got swarmed by crawlers and everybody died BEFORE the main sub even reached the pirates

image image

ubertpendragon commented 3 months ago

One more video:

  1. Enemies spawn near or on top of the pirate sub. This one barely dodges 3 giant spinelings
  2. Bots don't man the guns and get breached without firing a single coilgun shot
  3. All of the bots scramble for suits and smgs to fight the first intruder and abandon the guns

Feels like a lot of pirate grievances could be solved by having the enemy sub on autopilot from level end to level start with twice the aggro range.


SomeRandomNoobKekeke commented 3 months ago

MMM, dat vanilla fps