FakeFishGames / Barotrauma

A 2D online multiplayer game taking place in a submarine travelling through the icy depths of Jupiter's moon Europa.
1.73k stars 402 forks source link

game cannot connect #4158

Closed BrotherSnake closed 3 years ago

BrotherSnake commented 3 years ago

Description Whenever i try to join most servers, it says cannot connect. i have good internet, no mods installed, and the only time i really can play is after multiple attempts to get in. Also the game will crash lots of times. either when im trying to connect or just randomly mid game.

Steps To Reproduce If possible, describe how the developers can reproduce the issue. It is often extremely hard to fix a bug if we don't know how to make it happen.

Version this has been happening for about a month so latest versions. Additional information My steam is BrotherSnake incase you need to look at my account

BrotherSnake commented 3 years ago

Also ive been playing this game since before it came out on steam and have not had any problems until recently

BrotherSnake commented 3 years ago

Barotrauma Client crash report (generated on 10/7/2020 3:34:42 PM)

Barotrauma seems to have crashed. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Game version (ReleaseWindows, branch release, revision 9e259b2148) Graphics mode: 1920x1080 (BorderlessWindowed) VSync ON Language: English Selected content packages: Vanilla 0.9 Level seed: no level loaded Loaded submarine: None Selected screen: Barotrauma.ServerListScreen SteamManager initialized

System info: Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0 64 bit GPU name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 Display mode: {Width:1920 Height:1080 Format:Color AspectRatio:1.7777778} GPU status: Normal

Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (System.NullReferenceException) Target site: Boolean b0(Barotrauma.ContentPackage) Stack trace: at Barotrauma.ContentPackage.<>cDisplayClass82_0.b0(ContentPackage p) in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Barotrauma\BarotraumaShared\SharedSource\ContentPackage.cs:line 717 at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at Barotrauma.ContentPackage.AddPackage(ContentPackage newPackage) in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Barotrauma\BarotraumaShared\SharedSource\ContentPackage.cs:line 717 at Barotrauma.Steam.SteamManager.<>cDisplayClass41_0.b__2(Task task, ContentPackage cp) in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Barotrauma\BarotraumaClient\ClientSource\Networking\SteamManager.cs:line 1069 at Barotrauma.TaskPool.Update() in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Barotrauma\BarotraumaShared\SharedSource\Utils\TaskPool.cs:line 77 at Barotrauma.GameMain.Update(GameTime gameTime) in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Barotrauma\BarotraumaClient\ClientSource\GameMain.cs:line 957 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Libraries\MonoGame.Framework\Src\MonoGame.Framework\Game.cs:line 656 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Libraries\MonoGame.Framework\Src\MonoGame.Framework\Game.cs:line 504 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SdlGamePlatform.RunLoop() in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Libraries\MonoGame.Framework\Src\MonoGame.Framework\SDL\SDLGamePlatform.cs:line 94 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior) in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Libraries\MonoGame.Framework\Src\MonoGame.Framework\Game.cs:line 398 at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Libraries\MonoGame.Framework\Src\MonoGame.Framework\Game.cs:line 368 at Barotrauma.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Barotrauma\BarotraumaClient\ClientSource\Program.cs:line 59

Last debug messages: [10/7/2020 3:34:40 PM] Couldn't load content package "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Barotrauma/Mods/Toolbox Expanded/filelist.xml"! [10/7/2020 3:34:40 PM] Couldn't load xml document "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Barotrauma/Mods/Toolbox Expanded/filelist.xml"! {The process cannot access the file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Barotrauma\Mods\Toolbox Expanded\filelist.xml' because it is being used by another process.} at System.IO.FileStream.ValidateFileHandle(SafeFileHandle fileHandle) at System.IO.FileStream.CreateFileOpenHandle(FileMode mode, FileShare share, FileOptions options) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options) at System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials, IWebProxy proxy, RequestCachePolicy cachePolicy) at System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn) at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.FinishInitUriString() at System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.CreateReader(String inputUri, XmlParserContext inputContext) at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(String uri, LoadOptions options) at Barotrauma.XMLExtensions.TryLoadXml(String filePath) in C:\Users\Joonas\Documents\Barotrauma-development\Barotrauma\BarotraumaShared\SharedSource\Serialization\XMLExtensions.cs:line 36 [10/7/2020 3:34:36 PM] LobbyMatchList: LobbiesMatching: 50 [10/7/2020 3:34:36 PM] LobbyMatchList: LobbiesMatching: 50 [10/7/2020 3:34:36 PM] SteamAPICallCompleted: AsyncCall: 8455538403131782748 Callback: 510 ParamCount: 4 [10/7/2020 3:33:57 PM] Attempting to reconnect... [10/7/2020 3:33:57 PM] Received a disconnect message (SteamP2P connection failed: Timeout) [10/7/2020 3:33:36 PM] Attempting to reconnect... [10/7/2020 3:33:36 PM] Received a disconnect message (SteamP2P connection failed: Timeout) [10/7/2020 3:33:20 PM] Attempting to reconnect... [10/7/2020 3:33:20 PM] Received a disconnect message (SteamP2P connection failed: Timeout) [10/7/2020 3:33:04 PM] Attempting to reconnect... [10/7/2020 3:33:04 PM] Received a disconnect message (SteamP2P connection failed: Timeout) [10/7/2020 3:32:20 PM] LobbyMatchList: LobbiesMatching: 50 [10/7/2020 3:32:20 PM] LobbyMatchList: LobbiesMatching: 50 [10/7/2020 3:32:20 PM] SteamAPICallCompleted: AsyncCall: 10028388854922029801 Callback: 510 ParamCount: 4 [10/7/2020 3:32:20 PM] AvatarImageLoaded: SteamID: 76561198042207493 Image: 690 Wide: 184 Tall: 184 [10/7/2020 3:32:20 PM] SteamRelayNetworkStatus: Avail: Current PingMeasurementInProgress: 1 AvailNetworkConfig: Current AvailAnyRelay: Current DebugMsg: System.Byte[] [10/7/2020 3:27:34 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/[ATLAS] Tetrarch.sub, size: 600x338) [10/7/2020 3:27:32 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/U-II Seahorse Mk XL.sub, size: 1339x838) [10/7/2020 3:27:31 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Svarog.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:27:30 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Scarabidae Mk5e.sub, size: 1460x561) [10/7/2020 3:27:29 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/RUSALKA 1.sub, size: 1259x787) [10/7/2020 3:27:28 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Phorcys.sub, size: 1750x1080) [10/7/2020 3:27:26 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Indra.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:27:26 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Hyperion.sub, size: 600x338) [10/7/2020 3:27:25 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/EK_Coseus_Mk-II.sub, size: 1641x947) [10/7/2020 3:27:24 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Cyclops mk II.sub, size: 1748x901) [10/7/2020 3:27:18 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Bottleneck.sub, size: 1440x534) [10/7/2020 3:27:17 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Alkonost.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:26:59 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/[ATLAS] Tetrarch.sub, size: 600x338) [10/7/2020 3:26:57 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/U-II Seahorse Mk XL.sub, size: 1339x838) [10/7/2020 3:26:49 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Svarog.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:26:47 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Scarabidae Mk5e.sub, size: 1460x561) [10/7/2020 3:26:46 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/RUSALKA 1.sub, size: 1259x787) [10/7/2020 3:26:45 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Phorcys.sub, size: 1750x1080) [10/7/2020 3:26:42 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Indra.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:26:42 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Hyperion.sub, size: 600x338) [10/7/2020 3:26:41 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/EK_Coseus_Mk-II.sub, size: 1641x947) [10/7/2020 3:26:40 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Cyclops mk II.sub, size: 1748x901) [10/7/2020 3:26:39 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Bottleneck.sub, size: 1440x534) [10/7/2020 3:26:38 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Alkonost.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:25:28 PM] LobbyMatchList: LobbiesMatching: 50 [10/7/2020 3:25:28 PM] LobbyMatchList: LobbiesMatching: 50 [10/7/2020 3:25:28 PM] SteamAPICallCompleted: AsyncCall: 12373333280902617561 Callback: 510 ParamCount: 4 [10/7/2020 3:24:11 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/[ATLAS] Tetrarch.sub, size: 600x338) [10/7/2020 3:24:09 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/U-II Seahorse Mk XL.sub, size: 1339x838) [10/7/2020 3:24:07 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Svarog.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:24:06 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Scarabidae Mk5e.sub, size: 1460x561) [10/7/2020 3:24:05 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/RUSALKA 1.sub, size: 1259x787) [10/7/2020 3:24:03 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Phorcys.sub, size: 1750x1080) [10/7/2020 3:24:00 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Indra.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:24:00 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Hyperion.sub, size: 600x338) [10/7/2020 3:23:59 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/EK_Coseus_Mk-II.sub, size: 1641x947) [10/7/2020 3:23:57 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Cyclops mk II.sub, size: 1748x901) [10/7/2020 3:23:55 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Bottleneck.sub, size: 1440x534) [10/7/2020 3:23:53 PM] WARNING: Cannot compress a texture because the dimensions are not a multiple of 4 (path: Submarines/Downloaded/Alkonost.sub, size: 700x313) [10/7/2020 3:23:47 PM] (Msg) RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=OK config=OK anyrelay=OK (OK) [10/7/2020 3:23:47 PM] (Msg) Ping location: okc=25+2,atl=31+3,ord=54+5/41+2,iad=43+4,lax=50+5,sea=56+5,eat=65+6/61+5,lhr=116+11,par=120+12/120+4,fra=131+13/129+4,gru=160+16/162+3,sgp=235+23/232+5 [10/7/2020 3:23:47 PM] (Msg) Ping measurement completed [10/7/2020 3:23:46 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'sea' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:46 PM] (Debug) Destroying relay 'sea#111 (' because initial_ping_timeout [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'sgp' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'syd' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'tyo1' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'vie' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'tyo' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'maa' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'waw' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'sto' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'sto2' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'jnb' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'bom' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'scl' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'mad' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'dxb' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'lux' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'par' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'lim' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'lhr' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'hkg' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'ord' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'gru' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'lax' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'fra' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'okc' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:44 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'ams' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:43 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'eat' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:43 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'iad' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:43 PM] (Verbose) Communications with routing cluster 'atl' established. [10/7/2020 3:23:43 PM] (Msg) RelayNetWorkStatus: avail=Attempting config=OK anyrelay=Attempting (Performing ping measurement) [10/7/2020 3:23:43 PM] (Msg) Performing ping measurement [10/7/2020 3:23:43 PM] (Msg) Got SDR network config. Loaded revision 282 OK [10/7/2020 3:23:16 PM] Attempting to open ALC device "OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)" [10/7/2020 3:23:14 PM] Loaded languages: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Castilian Spanish, Latinamerican Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Korean [10/7/2020 3:23:13 PM] Loaded languages: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Castilian Spanish, Latinamerican Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Korean [10/7/2020 3:23:12 PM] Logged in as Brother Snake (SteamID STEAM_1:1:47845730)

Regalis11 commented 3 years ago

This seems to sometimes happen when there's a large number of submarines in the "Submarine/Downloaded/" folder, and based on the crash report it seems that could be the cause here. We've got another ticket about the issue with a bit more info https://github.com/Regalis11/Barotrauma/issues/4432, closing this one.