FakerPHP / Faker

Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
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Placeholder.com doesn't exist, so image() no longer works #645

Closed jamiethorpe closed 1 year ago

jamiethorpe commented 1 year ago


Placeholder.com was bought by another company and the domain was moved today. This is resulting in gateway timeouts when using the image() method.


PHP 8.1
fakerphp/faker 1.21.0

Self-enclosed code snippet for reproduction

$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$image = $faker->image('storage/app', 360, 360, 'animals', false, true, 'cats', false, 'jpg');

Expected output

A 360x360 image

Actual output

A gateway timeout

Every now and then you might receive an image, but it's likely just cached on a CDN that hasn't been updated.

ErickZH commented 1 year ago

Same problem. Other options https://placehold.co/ https://picsum.photos/

pimjansen commented 1 year ago

See issue history