FakerPHP / Faker

Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
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Curses/profanities in dutch realText #891

Open TomasDePomas opened 3 weeks ago

TomasDePomas commented 3 weeks ago


The source for dutch realtext includes translations for gdamn and gdamned. Since we use the library to seed a acceptance that we wish to share with customers, this is not ok for us. For now the workaround is setting the locale to Flemish.


PHP 8.2.13
fakerphp/faker 1.23.1

Self-enclosed code snippet for reproduction

return [
    'title' => fake()->realText(),

Expected output

Something that does not contain profanities

Actual output

    "title" =>  "Een man die geld kwam ophalen voor de Partijkas, dan gaf hij hun een 
sigaar op, van mij, een sigaar in z'n kamer, hardop:\"Een groot dichter zijn en dan vallen, 
Godverdomme.\" "
pimjansen commented 3 weeks ago

You have a proposal for something else? Thing is that is always opiniated in some sort.

You could always define your own provider foe this