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P2.5 128x64 1/32 scan panels not displaying correctly on Pi4 w/ hat #1133

Closed Marx1 closed 2 years ago

Marx1 commented 2 years ago

FPP Version and Hardware: Example: FPP 5.2 on Pi 4 w/ 3 port matrix hat

Describe the bug and Steps to reproduce: Configure single panel with 128x64 1/32 scan, apply, and try and use display testing/display content, only top 1/4 of panel is shown. image image

Expected behavior: panel to fully display test pattern

Additional context: I'm replacing my 32x32 1/8 scan P6 panels, and got these specifically because the 128x64 1/32 scan was listed in FPP. they are these panels from Ray: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000805605564.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.742c3c00rZXH8t&mp=1

The panels look slightly different than what ray has in the pictures:


I've tried mixing the panel types but nothing seems to change. It's probably a different scan rate, but I can't find any info for the panels outside of ray's site.

Additional Attachments FPP_Logs_20211026.0211.zip

Marx1 commented 2 years ago

Actually I think I found the issue. These panels are hub75E, not hub75.

Marx1 commented 2 years ago

Might be relevant: https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/issues/746

Marx1 commented 2 years ago

so I've confirmed this is a hub75e issue. current hat hardware doesn't support hub75e, but colorlight does, so I'm just going to that.