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Falcon Player
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PI v 8.0 Becomes unusable a few minutes after boot-up #1967

Closed DBASQLGuru closed 1 week ago

DBASQLGuru commented 1 week ago

FPP v8.0 on RPI 5, 2 TB SSD disk, cooling fan, SD Card cloned over to NVME M.2 card by FPP, static IP assigned, Remote Falcon Plug-in installed.

Behavior: Boot up okay, all menus available, FPP can play a playlist, no issues. After a few minutes the webpage becomes unavailable. The PI shows a green light, but the interface keeps disappearing, To restore access to the dashboard / index.php - I have to do a hard re-boot of the PI. After bootup, the page becomes available again.

I have full logging of the system and would like to submit for an RCA on why the PI is unstable after a few minutes of operation.

Expected behavior: The FPP Player should remain accessible after many hours of operation after boot up.


Additional Attachments Please include the log files. To create the file:

  1. Open the FPP UI
  2. Open the the File Manager (Content Setup->File Manager),
  3. Select the "Logs" tab
  4. Click "zip" button.
  5. Attach to this ticket.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

darylc commented 1 week ago


1) The syslog file in the zip is incomplete, we need to see from the time before that file started as well. Is there are syslog.1 or similar in /var/log? 2) How are you powering this pi, is it via the official 5A PSU? 3) How is it connected to the network, I see lots of wifi dropouts and problems.

darylc commented 1 week ago

@DBASQLGuru My guess would be your pi is overloaded from a power perspective. Please make sure you are powering according to the manufacturer recommendations for all the various peripherals you are using. If you are already doing that, to rule out a power problem I'd disconnect the soundblaster, disable the wifi and connect to it via ethernet only and see if you see any improvement.

DBASQLGuru commented 1 week ago

The PSU is a 27 Watt / 5 A unit Link here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H125ZRL/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A30ZYR2W3VAJ0A&psc=1

Videos of the setup: https://www.facebook.com/100076934850515/videos/1257901888568250/


Checking for the extra log requested - I zipped everything in the FPP interface that was referenced in the Additional Attachments section.

The unit is connected to the network by Cat 5 cable connection. No Wifi is used for my show.

The dashboard page index.php constantly refreshes itself, no joy to see the page. Hard restart again.

I unplugged the USB SoundBlaster item. Re-zipped the logs. I do not have a /var/syslog.1 file on the list. If you have a linux command to check please provide the steps to confirm that the file isn't present. I'm a windows guy, not a linux command line guy.. FPP_Logs_20240909.1249.zip

DBASQLGuru commented 1 week ago

@darylc : Good call on the power issue. I unplugged the SoundBlaster and the unit stayed online all day. Then I went into the WiFi and removed all entries for that interface, plugged the Sound Blaster back in, rebooted, the unit still has a failure to load the pages. Since I have no need for the WiFi this year, it's not a loss. but, I may need to find a way for the audio to get to the transmitter. Is there a way to monitor the power draw inside the FPP Interface? I'm sure that I'm not going to be the only one to have this problem now that NVME is coming to RPI 5. Thanks for the hint on where to look at for this issue.

Question: I have my PI 4 still that was my show player until I upgraded to the PI 5. Can I somehow use the PI 4 to play the audio as a remote or something? Have the PI 5 handle the Sequence file, play the audio, but the audio signal would also go to the remote and then the remote can use the sound Blaster to the FM Transmitter. Would work - or some variation of that?

zackbcom commented 1 week ago

Might be able to use a powered USB hub as a workaround until you can find root cause for the over power draw.

zackbcom commented 1 week ago

Might try with just the soundblaster plugged in and the FM transmitter off and disconnected from the soundblaster. See if you see the slowness. Maybe there is some issue with the FM transmitting and the PCIE lane ribbon picking up the Interference