Test Title: Query Execution Fails for Read/Write User
The user must have valid read/write credentials.
Test Steps:
Sign in as a Read/Write User.
Create a graph (e.g., name it "UserGraph").
Enter the query: UNWIND range(1, 20) AS x CREATE (aa:bb)-[cc:dd]->(ee:ff) RETURN *.
Execute the query.
Verify that an error is thrown indicating that the read/write user does not have permission to run the query.
Test Title: Query Execution Fails for Read/Write User
Preconditions: The user must have valid read/write credentials.
Test Steps:
Sign in as a Read/Write User. Create a graph (e.g., name it "UserGraph"). Enter the query: UNWIND range(1, 20) AS x CREATE (aa:bb)-[cc:dd]->(ee:ff) RETURN *. Execute the query. Verify that an error is thrown indicating that the read/write user does not have permission to run the query.