Fallen-Breath / conditional-mixin

Use annotation to conditionally apply your mixins
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Conditional Mixin jar on NeoForge is marked as MINECRAFT_FORGE type. #9

Open SteveKunG opened 2 weeks ago

SteveKunG commented 2 weeks ago


Minecraft: 1.20.6 Conditional Mixin: 0.6.2 Architect Plugin: 3.4.155 Architectury Loom: 1.6.397 NeoForge: 20.6.119

I just simply add a dependency to my build.gradle on NeoForge.

dependencies {


[22:35:23] [main/WARN] (ModDiscoverer) Found incompatible jar C:\Users\xxxx\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\com.github.Fallen-Breath.conditional-mixin\conditional-mixin-neoforge\0.6.2\326c37a8f3eb54878671640a85c10889dc9e36b\conditional-mixin-neoforge-0.6.2.jar with reason MINECRAFT_FORGE. Skipping.

Fallen-Breath commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like neoforge now hates the META-INF/mods.toml file since mc1.20.5, that's a breaking change

See also: https://github.com/neoforged/FancyModLoader/pull/100