FallenAstaroth / stink

🚀 Stealer on built-in libraries only, which doesn't create any temp files on data collecting, with 4 sending methods and lots of functionality.
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Sign exe for less detections and add assembly #52

Closed ShayanMadMan closed 8 months ago

ShayanMadMan commented 8 months ago

The build unfortunately gets detected as virus just because it's compiled from python, adding signature and some assembly reduce the detections and makes the results better.

i made another bat file just incase if user doesn't want to sign exe but you can add it to the main compiler.bat as default

FallenAstaroth commented 8 months ago

Hi. Thanks for the PR.

I have a certain style of code writing present, so some minor edits are needed to add your changes: 1) Use OOP in all files. 2) Comments should be in every method of the class, and the types of parameters and return data should be specified.

def sum(self, x: int, y: int) -> int:
    Sums two numbers.

    - x [int]: The first number.
    - y [int]: The second number.

    - int: Sum of x and y.

3) And change the structure a bit:

|_ signaturer.bat
|_ tools
    |_ signatures
    |   |_ chrome.exe.sig
    |_ signature.py (sigthief.py)
FallenAstaroth commented 8 months ago

Closure of PR due to inactivity.