FallenMoonNetwork / CanaryMod

Server administration mod and API for Minecraft beta multiplayer server
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when autocompleting #153

Open nosefish opened 11 years ago

nosefish commented 11 years ago

/give someblock TAB results in this and disconnects the player typing the command:

2013-05-17 12:27:30 [WARNING] Failed to handle packet for nosefish/ java.l$
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
        at PlayerCommands$8.autoComplete(PlayerCommands.java:491)
        at Player.autoComplete(Player.java:1057)
        at ONetServerHandler.a(ONetServerHandler.java:918)
        at OPacket203AutoComplete.a(SourceFile:29)
        at OTcpConnection.b(SourceFile:350)
        at ONetServerHandler.d(ONetServerHandler.java:44)
        at ONetworkListenThread.b(SourceFile:35)
        at ODedicatedServerListenThread.b(SourceFile:30)
        at OMinecraftServer.r(OMinecraftServer.java:465)
        at ODedicatedServer.r(SourceFile:256)
        at OMinecraftServer.q(OMinecraftServer.java:375)
        at OMinecraftServer.run(OMinecraftServer.java:314)
        at OThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573)

Note that I pressed tab in a position that is invalid for autocompletion, because a number goes there, not a selection from a list.